GigCity covers fashion like a thick black burka covers an Afghani maiden.
So thank God we live in Canada, in Edmonton, where women can wear what they want, practical or not, and where the fashionistas among us – you know who you are, darling – are privileged to witness the FABULOUS twice-yearly event called Western Canada Fashion Week, now underway through March 31 at the Arts Barns. Here’s a peek at who (and who they were wearing) went down the runway on Saturday night (March 26)
Here’s some new couture from local fashion designer Cherie Howard:
Purple is the new black – sort of a witchy woman theme going here
Is this a coat or a dress? Either way, it’s great for bitchy Edmonton weather.
Good detail at the neck, but the one sleeve should be tighter, dress longer. Might make a good rain dress as long as you don’t mind getting wet on one side
And your little dog, too!
BELOW: Here are some purses from from Just Me Jenna Marie.
Patent leather purses SCREAM for colour
Designer posing with her wares. Note the PRACTICAL fanny pack! It’s nice to have your hands free to shop.
RELATED STORY: An overview of fashion week in Edmonton
BELOW: Models mill about on the runway during 124th Street Retail showcase – a busy scene for a busy presentation. These pieces come from different stores, but there still needs to be some continuity in order to work on a runway.
BELOW: Sandra Sing Fernandes, the FABULOUS executive director and emcee of Western Canada Fashion Week.