CONCERTS: Bieber, Heart, Jett, Paisley parade
Posted on November 12, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music
Concert announcements are piling up fast!
If you missed the Remembrance Day announcement because Americans don’t know from Remembrance Day, Justin Bieber is coming to Edmonton – June 14, 2016 at Rexall Place. Tickets are $60 to $150 and go on sale Friday, Nov. 20. The pre-sale starts Nov. 19.
Bieber revealed the details of his 58-date Purpose tour on The Ellen DeGeneres show, where’s he’s been the guest-in-residence all week. The new album Purpose is out now, containing that one hit song that sounds like the CD player is skipping and the seat belt alarm won’t turn off, and the other, better song, a plea to women everywhere on behalf of all confused husbands or boyfriends: “What do you mean?” Justin’s become a pretty big star with this sort of material.
Wait a minute: He’s Canadian! He should know better than to announce a tour on Remembrance Day. Americans celebrate it, too. They call it Veteran’s Day. It’s more of a shopping holiday and few even get the day off.
Did we mention Justin Bieber tickets make a good Christmas gift? No? Justin Bieber tickets make a good Christmas gift.
Who do they think they are, the Queens of Sheeba?

Heart teams up with Joan Jett for the Queens of Sheeba tour
Who says women can’t rock? Nobody – without risking a punch in the nose. Especially when you bring up two of the great female rock artists of the rock generation: Heart and Joan Jett – still shoutin’ up a storm and teaming up for a tour that takes them to the Jubilee Auditorium on Sunday, March 13. They’re calling themselves the “Queens of Sheeba.” These women can rock. Given the renewed buzz on Heart especially – whose roots start in Canada in the 1960s – they could’ve done a bigger building. So expect this show to sell out after tickets go on sale Friday.
Real Men Wear Paisley
Brad Paisley is a puzzle in an enigma inside a conundrum in a cowboy hat. On one hand, he’s a helluva musician, great picker, singer, grinner, and he’s smart. On the other hat, he uses his intelligence to write corny songs such as I’m Gonna Miss Her (The Fishin’ Song), Ticks (as in he’s gonna check her for ticks, how romantic) and many, many dumb fun songs about women, the open road, alcohol, the love of being a redneck or all four. In short, status quo.
On the other, third hand, he did pave some new ground with his ebony-and-ivory racial harmony song Accidental Racist with LL Cool J. Terrible song, worthy message. So there’s that.
Paisley is back to play Edmonton’s Rexall Place on Friday, Feb. 19 (tickets on sale now), part of the winter leg of the “Crushin’ It” tour – the title taken from a track off his August 2014 album Moonshine in the Trunk. Where do all the ‘G’s go that get dropped from country music songs? They fly through the ozone and land in the ‘R’ in “wash” in Texas. The more you know.