Chi Pig Scholarship in the Works for Victoria School of the Arts
Posted on October 18, 2022 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, music, news
It would be cool to go back in time and tell Mr. Chi Pig (Ken Chinn) that there would one day be a scholarship in his name at his old Alma mater, the Victoria School of the Arts.
Would he have believed you – in his darkest hour? Maybe. Before he died in 2020 at the age of 57, Chi Pig cut a huge swath through the North American punk rock scene, particularly in Western Canada, and the place he was born and raised, Edmonton. His exploits both on and off the stage are well documented.
The scholarship plan is being spearheaded by local music scene mainstays Cameron Noyes, who is the executor of Chi’s estate, and radio personality “Metal” John Kyle. They got the green light from surviving family members, including sister Peggy, who was like a mother to a young Ken. If they can get at least $10,000, a foundation would net about $500 a year in perpetuity, awarded annually to a worthy Vic student. Who gets to sit on the jury is still to be determined.
“We’re excited about the fundraising efforts to establish a Chi Pig Scholarship at Victoria School,” says Principal Stacy Fysh. “As a legendary punk-rock vocalist and an advocate for queer identity, Mr. Chi Pig’s success and unwavering commitment to individuality continues to inspire students today. We look forward to working with community groups to keep his legacy alive.”
There’s been a call out to possible corporate sponsors: EPCOR, ATB, and so on, and hey, why not Skier’s Sportshop – where Mr. Chi Pig once earned an endorsement for being an awesome skateboarder, in addition to his gifts as a hardcore punk rock star. SNFU also worked with a number of famous acts over almost 40 years, including Bif Naked, and also Green Day. Yes, SNFU shared the stage with Green Day. Among many others.
The first major fundraiser happens Wednesday Oct. 19 at the Starlite Room. Bif covered it all in a recent Facebook post:
“With my heart leading me, and my foreverever love for Ken/Chi always in mind, I have to share this gig with you – and tell everyone who is in #edmonton next week to GO SUPPORT THIS FUNDRAISER GIG AT THE STARLITE ROOM for the #ChiPig Memorial Scholarship Fund October 19th at the famous @starliteroom Wish I could be there,too
But we will be there in heart and spirit OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SAY SNFU I love you forever Ken
Posted @withrepost • @starliteroom Chi Pig Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser for Victoria Centre of the Arts with the Devil’s Voice, The Cutoffs, Dad Religion with a featured screening of the “Open Your Mouth and Say Chi Pig” movie! Special exhibit of Jerry Cordeiro’s Street Photography and original artwork by Spyder Yardley Jones, Bob Prodor, Donna Dery, Paul Karpinski & more!”
Donations will also be accepted at the gig.
Illustration by Bob Prodor