SHEER POETRY: Story slam man
Posted on October 21, 2014 By Ben Dextraze culture, Entertainment, Front Slider, Lit, Theatre

The rise in popularity of poetry over the last decade has been spurred on by the idea that storytelling can be a competitive sport – and Edmonton has been up to the challenge. One such “Story Slam” is taking place Thursday, Oct. 22 at the Artery, part of LitFest, Edmonton’s non-fiction festival – yet another […]
Wat’s up! Friendship bonds through food at Abyssinia
Posted on December 1, 2013 By Ben Dextraze culture, Dining, Food, Front Slider, Life, life

From the outside, Abyssinia looks like a charming family home. Of course, it is a family restaurant. Owners Zafu Gessessew and Wond Assefa came from Ethiopia to Canada separately 22 years ago, married in Edmonton and eventually decided to take the risk to start their own place, with their families in mind. The couple offers […]
New Brad Fraser play too fast for its own good
Posted on September 7, 2013 By Ben Dextraze Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Kill Me Now is a title that speaks to a desire for death in the face of pain and misery. Add an ironic twist and playwright Brad Fraser’s trademark raucous humour and you might have a hit on your hands. With his new play, running through Sept. 22 at La Cite Francophone, he boldly makes […]
HIPSTER: Even the word is annoying
Posted on August 10, 2013 By Ben Dextraze Culture, Front Slider, Life, Visual Arts

Hipsters have been criticized from the start. At the beginning of the 20th century “hip” meant being informed on music and fashion that went against the norm. Once the suffix “–ster” was added – like “gang-ster” – you had something even edgier, but still hipsters were denounced as beatniks, hippies, stoners, punks and slackers who […]
FILM: Hollywood in our backyard
Posted on July 19, 2013 By Ben Dextraze Entertainment, entertainment, Film, Front Slider, tv and radio

Billy Bob Thornton was spotted outside of London Drugs in West Edmonton Mall a few weeks ago. He was in the area filming the crime thriller “Cut Bank,” about a small town Montana boy in the wrong place at the wrong time. John Malkovich co-stars. As Billy Bob left the store, he looked like he […]
THEATRE: New couple cooped up in The Survival of Pigeons
Posted on November 30, 2011 By Ben Dextraze Front Slider, Theatre
Nothing tests a love affair like moving in together. Just ask the characters in Surreal Soreal Theatre’s new play “The Survival of Pigeons As Studied By Human Lovers,” opening Thursday at the Varscona Theatre. “The play really speaks to moving in with another person and the deepening of that relationship as you discover who they […]