3 Fringe DRAMAS
Posted on August 23, 2017 By Mel Priestley Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Slack Tide By parts&labour with Blarney Productions, Edmonton, Venue 8 (Old Strathcona Performing Arts Centre) This new work from young playwright Bevin Dooley pulls no punches in tackling weighty subjects. It’s set in Killer’s Cove, a local teenage hangout on the beach outside a small fishing village. The exact location isn’t named, but through clues […]
3 ALCOHOLIC Fringe plays
Posted on August 21, 2017 By Mel Priestley Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Alcohol is a staple of the Fringe festival, whether it’s the on-stage subject matter, or the libations we enjoy before, after and – at some very civilized venues – during. At two of the three venues hosting the following triptych of shows you can enjoy a beverage while watching – which may sometimes feel a […]
FRINGE: 3 shows of physical theatre
Posted on August 17, 2016 By Mel Priestley Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Edmonton has quite a robust contemporary dance scene. A few local groups are presenting their work at the Fringe, as well as some out-of-towners – which gives a nice juxtaposition of styles and themes for the audience to compare. Some people still complain that physical theatre and dance is inaccessible (or just plain weird), but […]
FRINGE: 3 shows with nudity
Posted on August 15, 2016 By Mel Priestley Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Dropping your pants is a sure-fire way to pack a Fringe house. Performances flagged with the “nudity” warning in the program usually have pretty decent crowds, because let’s face it: we’re all a bunch of perverts. However, while the idea of seeing a live naked person on stage is titillating, it’s not something to be […]
FRINGE: 4 spooky shows
Posted on August 15, 2016 By Mel Priestley Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Occurring in the doldrums of August, the Fringe might not seem the likeliest place for spooky tales. But each year always presents at least a few shows that dabble in the darker side, that smack of the paranormal, or that aim to generally give the audience a few thrills and chills. They aren’t in particular […]