LADIES’ MEN: Josh, Keith and Burton scheduled to woo your wives
When Josh Groban says he’s going to “do one for the ladies,” he’s not just kidding around – they’re ALL for the ladies. That goes double for Keith Urban. Attention females of Edmonton: Both of these amazingly hot hunka hunka burnin’ love superstars are coming to Edmonton this September. Groban takes the stage […]
EDMONTON RADIO: Is the Bounce bad for children? Short answer: yes
Important disclaimer: This article is about top-40 radio. Therefore, in a year or less, the names and song titles will appear hopelessly quaint and out of date. If you’re reading this in the future (hello, people of the future!), go ahead and laugh. If the Rapture hasn’t come by then, we will laugh with you. […]
Where to put the Goo Goo Dolls – next to the Replacements? Or nestled amongst Matchbox 20 and Hootie and the Blowfish? Maybe somewhere in between. We’re just putting together some IKEA shelves for our CD collection – where’s the damned Allen key? – so ‘90s. We’ll decide where they go after the Goos play […]
The basic difference between “white” blues and “black” blues is that one loves the blues, whereas the other HAS the blues. We’ll have to make an exception for Johnny Winter, literally the whitest of the white bluesmen, who’s sharing a bill with the equally legendary harmonica James Cotton at the Polish Hall tonight. Both have […]
TRUE TALES OF THE ROAD: Grandpa Banana and the Great Chicago Snow
Who the hell is Grandpa Banana, you ask? Only one of the Youngbloods, that’s who. This man – real name: Lowell Levinger – is at least partly responsible for a gem of one-hit wonderment, Get Together. This is the kind of rare song that doesn’t just set the songwriters and their descendents up for life. […]
Roots and Blues Roundup II in full swing this weekend

If you want to know where we’re going, we have to know where we’ve been. So take heed, all your alt-country punks and neo-folkies – some originators are coming to show us how it’s done at the Winter Roots and Blues Roundup II. Running at venues around town until Monday, this five-day multi-media festival features […]
SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION: GigCity launch jam a roaring success
(Photos by Fish Griwkowsky) When you don’t plan what you’re going to do at a jam with people you’ve never played with before, there is no way to avoid the blues. It is the common ground, the musical glue that brings us all together. Lovely image. Our GigCity Launch Party and Jam Tuesday night (Feb 22) at […]
Oh, Brothers – The Black Keys play Rexall June 29
Now that the Black Keys are officially awesome, who do they have to thank for being the first to recognize it? That’s right: It’s Canada, baby. We are the first country in the world to have given the Ohio band a platinum record, for its critically-acclaimed Brothers – which won best rock performance at the […]
Morning man on a mission: Terry Evans takes on censorship
Terry Evans has worn many hats in his long radio career in Edmonton. Wasn’t he a clean-head for a while there? Maybe it was a shave-your-head-for-cancer-awareness thing. He even tried stand-up comedy (he wasn’t very good, sadly) but says he hasn’t had an act since 1993. He’s far too busy. In addition to wearing his […]
Seeker or seer? See or be seen? Two deep questions to ponder when Deepak Chopra speaks at the Shaw Conference Centre tonight. Is it a show, a lecture or something more? The good doctor is a master of sensible, if a bit cryptic advice, such as “Happiness is a continuation of happenings which are not […]
SHE COMMANDS YOU TO ROCK Have you ever noticed how many of Melissa Etheridge’s songs are just simple commands? Bring Me Some Water Come to My Window Let’s Get It On Yes, ma’am – as long as rock ‘n’ roll awaits. Etheridge plays tonight, Sunday, Feb. 20 at the Jubilee Auditorium (buy), with opener Serena […]
The best thing about those old Bugs Bunny cartoons – aside from the high quality violence you just don’t see anymore – was the music. They used full-blown orchestras in those days, creating an evocative canon of music that became its own genre: cartoon symphonies. The Edmonton Symphony Orchestra takes a crack at it at […]