ASK AN EXPERT: Why Do So Many Modern Singers Sound So Fake?
Posted on December 1, 2021 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music

Shawn Mendes kisses you with every word he sings – purposely pushing his diphthongs into the “oi” end of the timbreal spectrum, if you want to get technical. Very annoying. The artist k.flay affects a menacing purr as she sings about needing blood in the cut. Grandson lisps political rage into the roof of his […]
WHAT’S GOING ON: Touring Artists Have Lots of Post Pandemic Music!
Posted on November 29, 2021 By Mike Ross Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, music, Theatre

The pandemic has afforded famous recording artists the opportunity to make music with a freedom they could only dream about before. Usually records were made – quickly – between tours, where the real money was supposed to be. Some acts would tour too much, wear out their welcome. But hey, no tours for two years, […]
WHAT’S GOING ON: City and Colour Solo Show a Huge Draw in Edmonton
Posted on November 23, 2021 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, News, Theatre

You have to hand it to Dallas Green – aka City and Colour. From the workhorse guitarist and second vocalist of the Canadian hardcore kings Alexisonfire, he branched off into solo superstar success when he realized he sings like an angel and writes songs like the devil. He sings as though doves are flying out […]
WHAT’S GOING ON: Is Live Theatre Back In Business In Edmonton?
Posted on November 16, 2021 By Mike Ross Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Music, Theatre

The Law of Headlines states that if a news-paper headline is a question, the answer is always no. In this case, it’s a yes. Yes, live theatre appears to be back in business in Edmonton. Seems like all the major local theatre companies survived the pandemic and are running hot and heavy. Theatre Network is […]
WHAT’S GOING ON: Here are Some Live Entertainment Listings!
Posted on November 9, 2021 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, music, Theatre

Is it safe to go out and be live entertained again? Who knows?! Make your own decisions. We’re all grown-ups here. Too bad for the real Jason Kenney that Jason Kenney’s Hot Boy Summer has SOLD OUT its entire run at the Grindstone Theatre Nov. 10-21. I’m sure they could sneak the Premier in to […]
HOCKEY: In the Box with Brent & Craig
Posted on October 25, 2021 By Mike Ross Entertainment

Five Alive Third column of the season and the Oilers are still unbeaten and in first place in the NHL. Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and his name is actually Connor McDavid. Are the boys from In The Box confident this streak can continue, or are they expecting the eventual regression to the […]
THE REAWAKENING: Performing Artists Like Weeds in Wake of Pandemic
Posted on July 1, 2021 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider

Lo’, while mighty oaks are felled by the terrible storm, the humble grasses survive. Sorry to compare performing artists to weeds – but here we are, after what feels like emerging from a coma, fully vaxxed and waxxed (this may sting a bit), and ready to be live entertained once again. Today! Canada Day, July […]
EIFF REVIEW: Jasmine Road a tear-jerker with a message: ‘They’re just like us.’
Posted on October 1, 2020 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Film, Front Slider

A redneck rancher unwittingly becomes the host of a family of Syrian refugees. What could possibly go wrong? Better yet: What could go right? Jasmine Road, the opening night feature at the Edmonton International Film festival, looks on the positive side of the immigration issue that has touched nearly every Canadian. Writer-director Warren Sulatycky takes […]
Multi-hyphenate Edmonton talent on the doorstep of Hollywood
Posted on June 5, 2020 By Mike Ross culture, Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, TV and Radio

At least one thing is true to real life in the developing sitcom Casanova. It’s “The List” – of every person the main character Cassie had sex with, male or female, doesn’t really matter. “She’s modelled after a version of myself, and earlier 20s version of myself” says filmmaker Mac Watson, who’s worked her way […]
MUSIC PREVIEW: The Stream Must Go On!
Posted on March 25, 2020 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Alberta’s own Corb Lund (below, right) is still scheduled to play live and in-person at the Jubilee Auditorium on Monday, May 4. They’re still selling tickets – but like many events upcoming, no one really knows what’s happening and what’s not. Meanwhile, undaunted, our cosmic cowboy is staging a live-stream concert on Instagram Live – […]
EDMONTON ENTERTAINMENT: What Hasn’t Been Canceled?
Posted on March 13, 2020 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, Theatre

At this point it would be easier to list the events that haven’t been postponed or canceled. COVID-19 has spooked all of humanity like an alien invasion – and we’re all in the same ark. But if you’re not in self-isolation (some people have been doing this for years), there’s still a lot of live […]
COMEDY SKETCH: Marv n’ Berry Makes Something Icy in Edmonton
Posted on March 6, 2020 By Mike Ross Comedy, Entertainment, Front Slider

Following the regionally viral video Keeping Up With the Albertans in which the province’s cities are personified as a dysfunctional family – Edmonton is the underachieving dad; Calgary the high-maintenance mom; their conflicted son Red Deer caught in the middle; mom’s hippie boyfriend Banff camped in a tent across the street; plus the unemployed houseguest […]