(NO) RELIGION: Onward Atheist Soldiers!
Posted on March 28, 2014 By Mike Ross culture, Faith, Front Slider, Life

What do members of the Society of Edmonton Atheists do at their meetings? Sit around and talk about how they don’t believe in God, while saying “Jesus, it’s cold outside!”? Not exactly. Many of them have lost something – and it’s more important than the Higher Power they don’t recognize. It’s the companionship of like-minded […]
Fleetwood Mac returns – with Christine McVie!
Posted on March 27, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music

Fleetwood Mac sure seems to like Edmonton. The band is coming back to town for its aptly-named “On With the Show” tour – featuring Christine McVie for the first time in 16 years. They were just here last May, one short. Now they are complete. And there was great rejoicing. This is of course the […]
Pax Arcana reunites after 20 years – for old time’s sake
Posted on March 24, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Music

A one-time band reunion can be just as sad as sex with your ex – great while it lasts, but you’re likely to feel just as empty afterwards because you have to break up all over again. “Hopefully we’ll be drunk after that,” says keyboardist Marek Forysinski on the expected mood after Pax Arcana’s comeback […]
WIN: Tickets to the Bedouin Soundclash dude
Posted on March 20, 2014 By Mike Ross Contests, Entertainment, Music

For anyone who finds the Bedouin Soundclash a little too, you know, “up,” not that there’s anything wrong with that if you’re in the right mood, you may be very interested in what the band’s frontman Jay Malinowski has been up to. That’s right – he’s gone solo. For a bit. And he’s making folky, […]
Hip hop knowledge is power
Posted on March 14, 2014 By Mike Ross Culture, Entertainment, Front Slider, life, Lit, Music

The meeting attracts about 20 young men and women from all races and walks of life. They take turns telling stories, asking questions, airing complaints. Some get emotional. I keep expecting a guy to stand up and say, “Hi, my name is Dave and I’m addicted to hip hop!” Because this is not a support […]
Backstreet Boys are back! In Edmonton!
Posted on March 14, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

How many times do we have to say “Backstreet’s back” until we don’t have to say “Backstreet’s back” anymore? They never left, did they? Not counting the warm feeling they left in our hearts. Say it at least one more time, because the Backstreet Boys are returning to Edmonton, Saturday, May 17 at Rexall Place. […]
Legend has it: John Legend in Edmonton this summer
Posted on March 10, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Before Auto-Tune made legends of us all, there was John Legend – one of the finest voices on the modern R&B scene who has yet to get his due. The Ohio crooner, who had been signed by Kanye West’s label, won a pile of Grammys before most people had ever heard of him, on the […]
MUSIC: Ann Vriend the next big thing – or is she already?
Posted on March 7, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Ann Vriend sounds like Loretta Lynn singing Aretha Franklin songs written by Marvin Gaye and produced by Mitchell Froom. It is that weird – and wonderful. The sound of the Edmonton singer’s new record, For the People in the Mean Time, owes a lot to her Italian producer Tino Zolfo, whose Froomish style with all […]
Queen + Adam Lambert better than no Queen at all
Posted on March 6, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Of course it’s impossible to fill the shoes of the late, great Freddie Mercury – but the flambouyant Adam Lambert gets the ultimate endorsement from the surviving members of Queen: They’re touring together as Queen + Adam Lambert, playing Rexall Place on June 24. Tickets go on sale next Friday, March 14. The unlikely combo […]
SkirtsAfire to burn glass ceiling
Posted on March 3, 2014 By Mike Ross Comedy, Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, Lit, Music, Theatre

Whatever you think of grouping artists by gender first and by their art second, consider the all-female SkirtsAfire “herArts” festival – playing March 6-9 at venues around Alberta Avenue – as “theatrical affirmative action.” The stats on theatrical sexual equality in Canada are “grim,” says festival director Annette Loiselle, citing a 2008 study done by […]
Nobility in Defeat: Where are they now?
Posted on February 28, 2014 By Mike Ross Front Slider, News, news, Politics

Kerry Diotte has popped back up on the radar. The former Ward 11 councillor and failed mayoral candidate announced on his birthday – Feb. 26 – that he will seek the Conservative Party of Canada nomination in the new federal riding of Edmonton Griesbach. That’s right. He’s baaaaack. After Don Iveson surged into the Edmonton […]
COMEDY: Brent Butt ALMOST a movie star
Posted on February 25, 2014 By Mike Ross Comedy, Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, TV and Radio

The great thing about being a stand-up comic who gets a TV series is that you have a pretty sweet gig to fall back on once the series – inevitably – ends. A lot of comedy actors who try to be comedians after their television careers end aren’t so lucky. Ask Michael Richards. Brent Butt […]