End of the Earth

End of the Earth

REVIEW: Super Soul Sistas

REVIEW: Super Soul Sistas

In their unending forensic probing of pop music for discerning dinner theatre patrons, the Mayfield Theatre is trying something new – well, not really new, but something a little different. Instead of giving us a musical genre (folk music) or a group (The Beatles) or an individual (Buddy Holly, Patsy Cline), they have combined the […]



Eight members of the progressive rock band Yes were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame earlier this year, in what some would argue was the apogee of their historic musical career. Next year will mark the 50th anniversary of the British prog-rock band – yes, 50th – and they’re already planning an […]

PLAYBILL: Respect for Soul Sistas

PLAYBILL: Respect for Soul Sistas

One of the things the Mayfield Dinner Theatre has going for it is its artistic director Van Wilmott – whose gifts are brought to full fettle in the season opener Soul Sistas, depicting the lives and music of Aretha Franklin and Tina Turner. No word if they’re going to touch on their reported feud. And […]

INTERVIEW: Yes by any other name

INTERVIEW: Yes by any other name

Shall we do this again? Who’s in the band? No, not the Who. Yes. What? The name of the band. Am I supposed to Guess Who? No, it’s Yes, it’s them. Them is playing? No, Them broke up a long time ago. The band is Yes. Oh, I love The Band. No! Not The Band. […]

End of the Earth

End of the Earth

MUSIC PREVIEW: Lionel Richie king of soft soul

MUSIC PREVIEW: Lionel Richie king of soft soul

If you think it should be Lionel Richie opening for Mariah Carey at Rogers Place on Friday night instead the other way around, all you have to do is go to the scoreboard. Before Mariah was ever born, Richie had paid his dues as a member of the 1960s soul band The Commodores, known for […]

REVIEW: Guns N’ Roses best cover band ever

REVIEW: Guns N’ Roses best cover band ever

Here’s a sign you may be about to see a good concert – when the band rehearses in your town the day before the show. What an honour. People living in the Commonwealth Stadium area were reportedly treated to the echoing din of Guns N’ Roses running through Glen Campbell and James Brown tunes on […]

PLAYBOT: Fringe held over!

PLAYBOT: Fringe held over!

Fringe or death?! Oh, you choose death? Well then, death by Fringe! It only feels like death. It’s just withdrawal pains after another Fringe come and gone: 2,000 plays in 200 venues over 20 days, so do the math. I am PLAYBOT. I don’t do math. I make jokes and rewrite press releases. Also poetry: […]

End of the Earth

End of the Earth

3 Fringe IMPROV shows

3 Fringe IMPROV shows

Unscriptured By Travis Bernhardt, Vancouver, Venue 10 (Acacia Hall) Whether you praise Jesus, Allah, Jehovah or something in between, people of every belief system can congregate to The Church of Travis Bernhardt. His Fringe show Unscriptured is an improvised church service based on audience suggestions. The show feels like a Sunday afternoon televangelist program. Voted […]

3 Fringe plays about SEX and RELIGION

3 Fringe plays about SEX and RELIGION

Sex, Religion, and other Hang-Ups By Gangland Productions, Los Angeles, Venue 5 (King Edward Elementary School) Which three subjects pique everyone’s interest in a conversation? Sex, religion, and politics – but let’s not open the political can of worms right now, and stick with sex and religion. These two opposing forces seem to infiltrate most […]