MUSIC: Ann Vriend the next big thing – or is she already?

MUSIC: Ann Vriend the next big thing – or is she already?

Ann Vriend sounds like Loretta Lynn singing Aretha Franklin songs written by Marvin Gaye and produced by Mitchell Froom. It is that weird – and wonderful. The sound of the Edmonton singer’s new record, For the People in the Mean Time, owes a lot to her Italian producer Tino Zolfo, whose Froomish style with all […]

Queen + Adam Lambert better than no Queen at all

Queen + Adam Lambert better than no Queen at all

Of course it’s impossible to fill the shoes of the late, great Freddie Mercury – but the flambouyant Adam Lambert gets the ultimate endorsement from the surviving members of Queen: They’re touring together as Queen + Adam Lambert, playing Rexall Place on June 24. Tickets go on sale next Friday, March 14. The unlikely combo […]

MUSIC PREVIEW: Wake Owl a hoot

MUSIC PREVIEW: Wake Owl a hoot

To have Vancouver claim the great band Wake Owl as its own may be a little misleading – because its singer-songwriter Colyn Cameron seems to be from a lot of different places. Raised in Southern California, he went off to study organic agriculture in England, then worked on various farms in the UK, Germany, Chile, […]

SkirtsAfire to burn glass ceiling

SkirtsAfire to burn glass ceiling

Whatever you think of grouping artists by gender first and by their art second, consider the all-female SkirtsAfire “herArts” festival – playing March 6-9 at venues around Alberta Avenue – as “theatrical affirmative action.” The stats on theatrical sexual equality in Canada are “grim,” says festival director Annette Loiselle, citing a 2008 study done by […]

End of the Earth, by Chad Huculak

End of the Earth, by Chad Huculak


Nobility in Defeat: Where are they now?

Nobility in Defeat: Where are they now?

Kerry Diotte has popped back up on the radar. The former Ward 11 councillor and failed mayoral candidate announced on his birthday – Feb. 26 – that he will seek the Conservative Party of Canada nomination in the new federal riding of Edmonton Griesbach. That’s right. He’s baaaaack. After Don Iveson surged into the Edmonton […]

COMEDY: Brent Butt ALMOST a movie star

COMEDY: Brent Butt ALMOST a movie star

The great thing about being a stand-up comic who gets a TV series is that you have a pretty sweet gig to fall back on once the series – inevitably – ends. A lot of comedy actors who try to be comedians after their television careers end aren’t so lucky. Ask Michael Richards. Brent Butt […]

MUSIC: Fools Tongue channels Peter Gabriel

MUSIC: Fools Tongue channels Peter Gabriel

What a world where musicians can make music as progressive as the proggiest of prog-rock – in an Edmonton basement. Fools Tongue’s new album “New World” sounds like Sting meets Peter Gabriel in, er … words fail, a home recording studio. Don’t get that every day around these parts. “That’s our world,” says singer Luke […]

End of the Earth, by Chad Huculak

End of the Earth, by Chad Huculak


INTERVIEW: Sass Jordan on Canadian Idol, short attention spans

INTERVIEW: Sass Jordan on Canadian Idol, short attention spans

There is no alternate reality where American Idol and its ilk did not exist so we could all say, “See? Look how great popular music is without all these deluded show-offs to ruin it for everyone!” The Idols would’ve shown off anyway. These sort of TV talent shows just put inner workings of the pop […]

Has Black History Month lost its meaning?

Has Black History Month lost its meaning?

The trouble with Black History Month isn’t over the fact that it happens to be the shortest month of the year. It’s the word “black.” Does it mean African, and if so what part of Africa? It’s a big continent. It could mean Caribbean or American, descendents of American slaves. And what about black people […]

Happy Valentine’s Day! Yanni’s coming, hint, hint

Happy Valentine’s Day! Yanni’s coming, hint, hint

Hey Ladies! Who loves you? That’s right, Yanni loves you. Do you know who loves you even more? The man who buys you tickets to Yanni, who returns to the Jubilee Auditorium on Tuesday, Sept. 9. Tickets go on sale Friday – Valentine’s Day. Hint, hint. And this should really be directed at the men […]