Posted on November 23, 2022 By BILL BENSON Comics, Food, Front Slider

FOOD (SPOILER): Star Wars cuisine bites
Posted on December 31, 2017 By Mike Ross culture, Entertainment, Film, Food, Front Slider, news

The roast porg Chewbacca cooks up in Star Wars: The Last Jedi is by far the most delicious food ever seen in a Star Wars movie – and the wookie can’t even bring himself to eat it. Most of the other characters sustain themselves with less appetizing fare: Swamp tentacle stew, alien walrus milk, pungent […]
Burger Baron has beef with Twitter Troll
Posted on May 28, 2016 By Mike Ross Dining, Entertainment, Food, Front Slider, Life, news, TV and Radio

Most local media people agree that the Bogus Burger Baron Twitter Takedown of Graham Hicks was EPIC. Even Hicks himself liked it. The Edmonton Sun columnist had written up the venerable burger joint in a March 2016 piece rating Edmonton’s best fast food burgers: “The patties were reminiscent of ’60s TV dinner steakettes. The vaunted […]
Edmonton musicians in tune with beer
Posted on March 14, 2015 By Trent Wilkie Archive, Dining, Entertainment, entertainment, Food, Front Slider, life, Music

Beer. The word itself is a musical note. It has helped write more songs than GarageBand and puberty combined. If it were a mountain, it would be named Mount St. Inspirational Liquid. Edmonton bands are no stranger to this Mesopotamian concoction. Loved by both the refined and the rowdy, beer has a special place in […]
Six Tastes of K-Days
Posted on July 25, 2014 By Derek Owen Dining, Entertainment, Family, Food, Front Slider, Life, Music

K-Days and Taste of Edmonton combined make up Edmonton’s most popular summer festival. Both used to be under the umbrella of the Klondike Days Association, and which locals to this day still lump together for the mindlessly fun, hideously expensive and gastronomically adventurous event to which all major cities are afflicted. Did we say afflicted? […]
Wat’s up! Friendship bonds through food at Abyssinia
Posted on December 1, 2013 By Ben Dextraze culture, Dining, Food, Front Slider, Life, life

From the outside, Abyssinia looks like a charming family home. Of course, it is a family restaurant. Owners Zafu Gessessew and Wond Assefa came from Ethiopia to Canada separately 22 years ago, married in Edmonton and eventually decided to take the risk to start their own place, with their families in mind. The couple offers […]
EIFF REVIEW: Spinning Plates feeds heart and soul
Posted on October 2, 2013 By Jeremy Loome Entertainment, entertainment, Film, Food, Front Slider

Towards the very end of Joseph Levy’s acclaimed documentary Spinning Plates, airing Oct. 3 as part of the Edmonton International Film Festival, there is a defining moment. World-renowned chef Grant Achatz compares his ultra-expensive, ultra-exclusive Chicago restaurant to those hometown spots run by his parents when he was a kid. He says, “It’s the same […]
BUK STOPS HERE: Birds, bees put heat on Diotte
Posted on September 25, 2013 By Mike Ross Food, Front Slider, life, News, Politics

The liberal vote will get split between Don Iveson and Karen Leibovici, which means Kerry Diotte will be the next Mayor of Edmonton – but not if the fair food community has anything to say about it. Those who raise chickens and bees illegally within city limits maintain that the city government has no business […]
FESTIVAL GUY: Heritage Days expensive, fattening
Posted on August 5, 2013 By Derek Owen Culture, Dining, Food, Front Slider, Life

Is Canada becoming a melting pot? For all the hullabaloo about multiculturalism in Canada, this weekend’s Heritage Festival seemed pretty North American. The festival seemed to serve its product – overpriced food and irrelevant cultural offerings – in a homogenous, inoffensive, stale, typically Canadian package. Meaning: charge too much and make sure it’s deep fried. […]
426-5050, whatever happened to the Lydo?
Posted on August 3, 2013 By Mike Ross Culture, culture, Dining, Food, Front Slider, Life, life, Music, TV and Radio, tv and radio

Four-two-six, five-oh, five-oh, if you’re hungry, call the Lydo! Never had such crappy Chinese food gained such a huge local reputation – thanks to the little jingle written to go with their phone number that remains an Edmontonian brainworm 10 years after the place went bankrupt. A lot of people who ordered Lydo vowed never […]