Posted on October 13, 2012
By Mike Ross
Culture, Front Slider, Music

There is still joy in Mudville, for Muse has not sold out – failing to leave scores of disappointed fans, who were not crying that they got buggered by the scalpers yet again. Not this time – thanks to “paperless tickets.” Screw you, scalpers. After seats to the British trio’s Feb. 3 show at Rexall […]
Posted on October 9, 2012
By Rob Drinkwater
Culture, Front Slider, Visual Arts

Edmonton police used information seized during a June raid at the Paint Spot art gallery to get a warrant to search a graffiti suspect’s home. According to the public court document used to get the warrant submitted by Const. Ryan Katchur, who identifies himself as the Northeast division graffiti resource officer, investigators appear to have […]
Posted on October 6, 2012
By Mike Ross
Culture, Front Slider, TV and Radio

Not since Fort Edmonton picked up stakes has there been such a fuss over a simple change of address. CKUA’s big move has begun! Celebrating the station being transplanted six blocks East from the decrepit Alberta Block to the smashing new refurbished Alberta Hotel, a 1963 Lincoln convertible packed with dignitaries arrived with great fanfare […]
Posted on October 2, 2012
By Mike Ross
Culture, The Latest, TV and Radio

There is no longer any such thing as “too much information.” Just listen to the radio for proof. Most of the popular announcers are expected to share EVERY LITTLE DETAIL of their fabulous lives, because making human, personal connections is so important these days. For marketing. So in Edmonton, we learn about Terry Evans’ luxurious […]
Posted on September 24, 2012
By Wayne Arthurson
Culture, Front Slider, Lit

For years, we have been cocky about our bookstores. As city after city lost their independent book sellers, Edmonton crowed: “We have two strong independent bookstores!” But we crow no more. Although there is no official word from the owners, Greenwoods’ Books is closing in about a week, according to discussions on Facebook and Twitter. […]
Posted on September 15, 2012
By Maurice Tougas
Culture, Front Slider, Theatre
The Mayfield Dinner Theatre had great success with “The Buddy Holly Story” back in 2010 – it was a corker, despite the fact you knew going in that it wasn’t going to have a happy ending. So there are high hopes for “Four Lads Who Shook the World, The Beatles Story: Part 2,” the current […]
Posted on September 13, 2012
By Wayne Arthurson
Culture, Lit, The Latest
Running a publishing company has always been a crapshoot – and with the advent of e-books, the ease of self-publishing and the closing of major and minor bookstores across the continent, things are even crappier in the book publishing business. But that didn’t stop two Alberta moms from taking a plunge into it. Tina Moreau, […]
Posted on September 12, 2012
By Maurice Tougas
Culture, Front Slider, Theatre
Funny thing about Cavalia, the equine-themed extravaganza now playing under the very big top at the City Centre Airport – it could do with a little less horse play. “It’s ABOUT horses, idiot!” I hear you saying. “Why would you want fewer horses in a show about horses?” First, there are no two ways about […]
Posted on September 9, 2012
By Mike Ross
Culture, Family, The Latest, Theatre
The horses nuzzle their trainers affectionately, they object when you stop scratching them, they roll around on the ground like giant dogs – it sure seems like the stars of Cavalia are having a great time. But we never know, do we? We can only guess. It’s no stretch to imagine that these well-hung stallions […]
Posted on September 6, 2012
By Wayne Arthurson
Culture, Lit, The Latest
For the first time since it changed its focus to non-fiction in 2006, Litfest has opened the door to fiction – big-time fiction. The 2012 version of the event – Oct. 17-28 at venues around town – will feature Alexander McCall-Smith, the author of over 50 novels, including the highly successful “No. 1 Ladies Detective […]
Posted on September 5, 2012
By Mike Ross
Comedy, Culture, Theatre
The old idea that the Citadel Theatre is the Edmonton version of Broadway, this ivory tower that’s both artistically and financially above all other local theatre companies is about to get turned on its head. Rapid Fire Theatre is moving in. These guys are loud, known to cuss, usually hilarious, and they don’t even know […]
Posted on September 4, 2012
By Stuart Adams
Culture, Front Slider, Visual Arts
Abstract metal sculpture leaves a lot of people cold – pun intended. But there’s a lot to be discovered and enjoyed if you don’t have to ask the classic “But what does it mean?” question, or need to identify a recognizable object in the work. Catherine Burgess’s “Absence|Presence” installation is up at the Art Gallery […]