Food Bank donations imitate art

Attendees of the ANDY WARHOL: Manufactured exhibit at the Art Gallery of Alberta (AGA) are reminded that while soup can be art, it is also food – so bring along some cans for the Edmonton Food Bank. Other non-perishable food items are also accepted, of course. One may also buy oversized novelty Campbell’s Soup tins […]

LIT: The Alchemists of Kush will blow your mind

Minister Faust used “Kush” to describe the African quarter of Edmonton long before it became the buzzword for pretty much any strain of high grade marijuana. The Kingdom of Kush was an area near present-day Somalia – the Horn of Africa – around 1,000 B.C. So all you potheads can stand down. The Alchemists of […]

NEW MUSIC: And now for something completely different…

British rock and east coast folk rock are taken out for a walk and then stood on their head by two artists – the Arctic Monkeys, whose fourth album was released last week, and Cape Bretoner Carmen Townsend, who’s coming to Edmonton later this week. The Arctic Monkeys’ new album title, “Suck It and See” […]

Daryl Katz tagged by underground graffiti artist

There was an image that appeared in just about every news story about last weekend’s protest at Churchill Square over the arena agreement between the City of Edmonton and Oilers owner Daryl Katz. It was on the placards the protesters carried — a black-and-white, stencilled portrait of Katz wearing a top hat and with the […]

TV: The Daily Show visits Alberta’s Oil Sands

Alberta’s oil sands got some major visibility on the Thursday, June 9, 2011 edition of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart … replete with correspondent Wyatt Cenac drenched in fake blood. Watch it on the Comedy Network website here (about one minute into the second segment). But that was about the toughest question the energy […]

THEATRE: Freewill Shakespeare Fest offers you Moor

Usually in Shakespeare, the less-reputable characters are the bloodsuckers. At the Freewill Shakespeare Fest this year? Well, it’s in Hawrelak Park, so you…(bzzz)…do the (thwack!) math on (smack!, damn skeeters!) that one. Oh, get over it. Bring bug juice to the shows from June 30 to July 24 and revel in the one reason good […]

Edmonton dominates Canadian Comedy Awards

We’ve crunched the numbers and come to a startling conclusion that most people knew already – Edmonton is a funny city. The nominations for the Canadian Comedy Awards that came out June 8 revealed a disproportionate weight of local comic talent, largely thanks to a core group of improvisers and the locally-produced television show CAUTION: […]

You can’t take the gay out of the Pride Festival

You can take the “gay” out of gay pride, but you can’t … complete this sentence without getting into trouble. That the Edmonton Pride Festival doesn’t have the word “gay” in its title is a little bothersome. It seems like another step in the neutering of the English language – suggesting there may be a […]

Digital TV switch brings out MacGyvers, thrift store sets pile up

YouTube is full of TV antenna MacGyvers offering advice on how to make your own set of rabbit ears capable of receiving digital signals for when broadcasters in many Canadian cities switch to digital-only signals on Aug. 31. And inside the engineering department at Global Edmonton, operations manager Peter Wugalter is trying them all. There’s […]

NEW RELEASES: Black Lips, Raleigh layer on the influences

The Black Lips and Raleigh, two bands in almost diametrically opposed genres and nearly a continent apart, have crafted superb albums that have one thing in common: they’ll appeal to anyone who likes good music. Atlanta’s Black Lips will release a sixth studio album, “Arabia Mountain”, on June 7 (Vice). The quartet combines garage rock […]

Edmonton connects with Africa’s best at one-day gala

It’s one of the most mindblowingly cool nights of entertainment and arts this city has to offer and, in a way, perhaps the most quintessentially Canadian event E-Town could stage. It’s not high profile, but there’s more on offer than at a lot of festivals. OK, so it must be brutally obvious we’re talking about […]

NextFest celebrates growth of Edmonton’s arts community

With local outfits like U22 Productions and Next Gen and events like NextFest and Pecha Kucha, Edmonton has an explosive arts vibe these days. Maybe it’s the social networking or the sense of appreciation for the important things that sometimes comes about after a recession, but hardly a night goes by in E-town without a […]