Posted on May 31, 2011
By Rob Drinkwater
Culture, The Latest
For the last few years in early June, TV, radio and newspaper reporters in Edmonton have telephoned local bicycle organizations, wondering if there will be a naked bicycle parade somewhere in the city. The annual World Naked Bicycle Ride, which is intended as a protest against car-centred culture and to promote bicycle transportation, routinely makes […]
Posted on May 31, 2011
By Mike Ross
Culture, Film, TV and Radio
Message to the Hobbit Oilsands Hoaxters: The goal of shedding light on the environmental situation in Fort McMurray may be a worthy one – but it does not justify the means of screwing over one guy. Forget politics. We’re talking identity theft. The guy in question is local film producer Josh Miller, who is annoyed […]
Posted on May 31, 2011
By Mike Ross
Culture, Front Slider, Music, TV and Radio
Before the concert of this decade – tonight at Commonwealth Stadium – there was the concert of the last decade. It’s 1997 (we seem to be missing a decade) and U2 comes to Edmonton to play not one, but two shows at the stadium on the band’s Popmart tour. Local media greet the band on […]
Posted on May 29, 2011
By Mike Ross
Culture, Front Slider, Music
Free advice for Lauryn Hill: Fire your soundman. Fire your bass player. Fire your drummer. Keep your backup singers. And for God’s sake, please chill out just a wee bit. These are really the only conclusions a discerning music fan can draw from Hill’s terribly disappointing show Saturday, May 28 at the Edmonton Event Centre. […]
Posted on May 28, 2011
By Chad Huculak
Culture, Front Slider, Music
Andrew WK has a new partner in partying. Gig City caught up with the Party Hard hitmaker backstage at the Pawn Shop Friday night as he rolled through with his mysterious new protégé/collaborator Aleister X to give Edmonton a show like no other. Flashing a warm smile, Wilkes Krier assures us he still loves to […]
Posted on May 27, 2011
Culture, Visual Arts
Is it ironic or simply fitting the most moving piece of art in the new Warhol show is a wig? It’s no ordinary hairpiece of course – it’s a wig worn by Warhol (and David Bowie, for that matter), another prop in the artist’s long line of mundane grocery items and human billboards made ridiculously […]
Posted on May 25, 2011
By Albert Smith
Culture, Front Slider, Theatre
Perhaps you or someone you know was once in danger of becoming … chronically single. You’d get set in your ways, get a cat, maybe surf for porn a bit too much for your own good and often have dinner at the houses of friends who now all seem to come in pairs. They’d occasionally […]
Posted on May 23, 2011
By Mike Ross
Culture, Music, TV and Radio
A lonely man weary from an honest day’s work is driving down life’s highway in a big truck, smoke rolling out the window, an ice cold beer sitting in the console, the lights of his home town only a few miles away. He’s heartbroken after another man kissed his girlfriend while he held the man’s […]
Posted on May 16, 2011
By Mike Ross
Culture, Front Slider, TV and Radio
Word on the street is that there will be … fewer words on the street. Edmonton’s two weekly magazines, VUE and SEE, are preparing to merge into one – according to businessman Bob Doull, who now owns both of them. He revealed the tentative plan on Monday. “There are lots of details to be worked […]
Posted on May 15, 2011
By Omar Mouallem
Culture, Front Slider, Music
A week before Shad’s concert in Edmonton at Brixx recently, the artist, whose album TSOL won the 2011 Juno for Best Rap Recording, was performing at one of the weirdest shows in his life. He hadn’t even gone up yet, but just the fact that he was in ultra-Mormon (read: ultra-white) Salt Lake City, Utah, […]
Posted on May 12, 2011
By LH Thomson
Culture, TV and Radio
It’s official – Edmonton is on the counterculture map….well, beyond being the home of Bioware and Christian Hansen and the Autistics: we’re a South Park reference. In this week’s episode, “Royal Pudding” which aired Wednesday night on the Comedy Network, the “Princess of Canada” is kidnapped at her Royal Wedding. A secret message from the […]
Posted on May 9, 2011
By Albert Smith
Culture, The Latest, Visual Arts
It might be time to play a new game: Are You a Better Artist Than a Fourth Grader? From the impressive results of ATB Financial’s first annual Young Artists Competition, the short answer is “probably not.” Winners of the province-wide art contest were announced today, unveiling original, Alberta-themed artwork from 31 Grade Four students from […]