MARIJUANA: Canada unlikely to react to U.S. legalized states, say experts

If you’re hoping to fire one up at a marijuana café near you any time soon, don’t get your hopes up: experts in Canada’s marijuana trade say legalizing the drug in a pair of U.S. states won’t lead to significant policy changes in Canada this year. They expect the federal government will stick with its […]
POLL: Canadians want PM’s powers limited

Canadians believe the law should place greater restrictions on the powers of the Prime Minister and other legislative leaders, a new national survey suggests. The Harris/Decima Research poll was conducted on behalf of the pro-Democracy lobby group Your Canada, Your Constitution (YCYC). The survey asked 2,013 Canadians ages 18 or older whether they agreed or […]
Carson Cole writes one final love letter to biker culture

After 30 years of being the bikers’ favourite rock musician, Carson Cole is hanging up his guitar to work on the rigs – but the Motorcycle Madman is leaving a love letter in his wake. Two new CDs, actually: one acoustic and one “as blues as a white guy from Coronation can be,” will be […]
FAITH: Online, every living room is a congregation

You won’t find many guys out there as optimistic as Rev. Brian Kiely. Despite flat-lined membership numbers, the Edmonton-based president of the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists figures his congregation isn’t leaving, just changing. “I spent my sabbatical studying life in the digital age and one of the things it convinced me of is […]
CRIME: Review faces tough choices on money laundering

If anyone ever needed proof that money laundering goes on in Canada, they’d only have to look at the scrutiny Quebec’s corrupt construction industry is facing: task forces, hearings, trials, shady payoffs to bureaucrats. It’s like the Sopranos moved to La Belle Province. And our national record for fighting money laundering over the last decade? […]
Why Blue Rodeo never wears out its welcome

How many times have we seen Blue Rodeo in Edmonton? Given at least one visit for each album plus eight folk fest appearances over almost 26 years, the conservative estimate is that they’ve played here 23 times. Does that sound right? Could be more if you count solo appearances from the two frontmen Jim Cuddy […]
Mark Meer elected Edmontonian of 2012 in landslide victory

We should’ve known what would happen if we put Mark Meer on the list. Of course he was voted GigCity’s Edmontonian of the Year – in a landslide, with 68% of the vote. He’s such a tireless self-promoter and wields such a formidable clout in social media that winning our little contest/social experiment was a […]