Art imitates life in R-rated puppet show
Posted on May 7, 2013 By Mike Ross Comedy, Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, TV and Radio, tv and radio

A boy is caught masturbating by the girl of his dreams, a girl loses her virginity to a guy she isn’t sure actually has a penis, a man’s girlfriend is into “ass play” not her own – all this and more true tales are depicted by in a new Bite-TV series called “Felt Up.” By […]
End of the Earth, by Chad Huculak
Posted on May 6, 2013 By Staff Comedy, Entertainment, Front Slider, Life, Visual Arts

John Cleese to visit Edmonton before he dies
Posted on April 30, 2013 By Mike Ross Comedy, Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider

At least John Cleese is up front about his farewell tour. It’s called “Last Time to See Me Before I Die.” Monty Python’s Minister Emeritus of Silly Walks, now 73, will appear at the Myer Horowitz Theatre Oct. 4-6. Tickets are $83.25 and go on sale Friday. The presale is on now. It’s a lecture […]
End of the Earth, by Chad Huculak
Posted on April 29, 2013 By Staff Comedy, Entertainment, Front Slider, Life, Visual Arts

End of the Earth, by Chad Huculak
Posted on April 21, 2013 By Staff Comedy, Front Slider, Visual Arts

End of the Earth, by Chad Huculak
Posted on April 15, 2013 By Staff Comedy, Front Slider, Visual Arts

End of the Earth, by Chad Huculak
Posted on April 8, 2013 By Adrian Lackey Comedy, Front Slider, Visual Arts

Hollywood dreams on hold for Edmonton comic
Posted on April 6, 2013 By Mike Ross Comedy, Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, TV and Radio

In order for Canadian comedians to get an immigration visa to work in Hollywood, they have to be established – and in order to get established, they have to work in Hollywood. “That’s the whole catch-22,” says Edmonton comic Kathleen McGee, whose dreams of breaking into American show business are on hold after being denied […]
April Fool’s prank goes awry! Dozens outraged!
Posted on March 31, 2013 By Mike Ross Comedy, Culture, Entertainment, Front Slider, News, TV and Radio, tv and radio

Baby boomers born and raised in Edmonton still talk about an epic April Fool’s joke played by 630 CHED, which in the early ‘70s was the only station everyone listened to: Ed-Tel will blow all the dust out of the phone lines at precisely 7:30 am on April 1, so the public is warned to […]
GIGGLE CITY: Jeremy Hotz keeps it short and sweet
Posted on March 12, 2013 By Mike Ross Comedy, Entertainment

When we started the unfortunately named Giggle City feature – asking the same set of dumb questions and expecting smart answers from any stand-up comedian who happened to be in range – we were hoping for a detailed, in-depth exploration of the modern comic mind. Sure, we learned a lot, like how female hecklers are […]
Comedy poker tournament honours Andy Ferguson
Posted on February 19, 2013 By Staff Comedy, Entertainment, Front Slider, Life, life

Most people spend Family Day with their families. Comedians spend it sleeping off a night spent with their extended family – other comedians. And what do they do? They play poker, of course. A who’s who of 24 Edmonton comedians gathered on Feb. 17 for the First Annual Andy Ferguson Memorial Comedians Poker Tournament, and […]