Posted on February 25, 2014
By Mike Ross
Comedy, Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, TV and Radio

The great thing about being a stand-up comic who gets a TV series is that you have a pretty sweet gig to fall back on once the series – inevitably – ends. A lot of comedy actors who try to be comedians after their television careers end aren’t so lucky. Ask Michael Richards. Brent Butt […]
Posted on January 23, 2014
By Mike Ross
Culture, culture, Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, News, Science

The future of the Sim City version of Fort McMurray depicted in Fort McMoney – half documentary, half interactive video game – did not turn out very well. Changes suggested by 309,000 viewer-gamers between Nov. 25 and Dec. 22, 2013 may have reduced greenhouse gas emissions in the Northern Alberta boomtown by 58%, but the […]
Posted on January 1, 2014
By Mike Ross
Contests, Entertainment, Film, Music

Now that we’re all getting back to normal after holiday horror, it’s time to turn our attention to swag! Or schwag, if you prefer. That means free stuff no matter how you smell it. Today, we have a pair of tickets for the Edmonton screening of CBGB, The Movie, playing Jan. 3-9 at the Metro […]
Posted on January 1, 2014
By Mike Ross
Entertainment, entertainment, Film, Front Slider, Music, music

There are some spine-tingling moments in CBGB, The Movie. It’s the vicarious joy of discovery: Like seeing an unknown band called the Talking Heads play “Psycho Killer” for six pool-playing bikers in the most famous punk rock dive of all time. Or the Police. Or the Ramones. Patti Smith. Blondie. Iggy Pop. The Dead Boys. […]
Posted on December 4, 2013
By Mike Ross
culture, Entertainment, Family, Film, Front Slider

The Telus World of Science has been asked to make it crystal clear that Harry Potter, The Exhibition is “not educational.” It’s purely entertainment. And you know what that means. Probably no field trips. Sorry, kids. Anyway, what is an exhibit featuring props, sets and other bric-a-brac from movies dealing with MAGIC doing in a […]
Posted on October 27, 2013
By Rob Drinkwater
Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, life

The organizers of Edmonton’s horror film festival, DEDfest, never pass up an opportunity to promote the city to its visiting VIPs as an ideal place to shoot their next slash-fest or zombie-romp. But like the horny camp counsellors at Camp Crystal Lake in Friday the 13th, Edmonton isn’t alone. There are other cities lurking out […]
Posted on October 4, 2013
By Mike Ross
Entertainment, entertainment, Film

There are a number of worthy ideas you can take away from The Broken Circle Breakdown – the gala closer of the Edmonton International Film Festival, Saturday, Oct. 5 at 7 pm in the Empire City Centre 9 Cinemas. One, it’s pretty much the best romantic melodrama about Belgian bluegrass singers you’ll ever see. The […]
Posted on October 2, 2013
By Jeremy Loome
Entertainment, entertainment, Film, Food, Front Slider

Towards the very end of Joseph Levy’s acclaimed documentary Spinning Plates, airing Oct. 3 as part of the Edmonton International Film Festival, there is a defining moment. World-renowned chef Grant Achatz compares his ultra-expensive, ultra-exclusive Chicago restaurant to those hometown spots run by his parents when he was a kid. He says, “It’s the same […]
Posted on September 30, 2013
By Mike Ross
Entertainment, entertainment, Film, Front Slider

The only thing missing in Furever is a visit to another country whose citizens aren’t so privileged, maybe one that doesn’t spend $52 billion a year on cats and dogs. In some places, people think we’re crazy for pampering what’s for dinner. It’s strangely ironic that the only place in the world you can get […]
Posted on September 28, 2013
By Derek Owen
Entertainment, Film, Front Slider

If God allowed us to pick our addiction, who wouldn’t pick sex? No matter how many times you do it, you’re probably not going to get cirrhosis of the liver, bad skin, rotten teeth or lung cancer, provided you take the appropriate precautions. All you get out of it is a nice happy little rush […]
Posted on September 27, 2013
By Mike Ross
Entertainment, Film

It was a stroke of genius to cast veteran Canadian actor Gordon Pinsent as a sexual therapist in Sex After Kids, a comedy which to name is to know. It plays Saturday, Sept. 28 as part of the Edmonton International Film Festival. But it is really necessary for him to tell us, “Kids are not […]
Posted on September 27, 2013
By Erik Floren
Entertainment, Film, Front Slider

Farm equipment doesn’t fetch much money at auctions these days. As Hans Olson’s languid but visually beautiful documentary The Auctioneer suggests, the family farm is dying out on the Prairies, and with the surging popularity of the Internet as a buying and selling source, so is auctioneering. Thus we see Vegreville auctioneer Dale Menzak also […]