Posted on February 25, 2013
By Derek Owen
Entertainment, entertainment, Film, Front Slider, tv and radio

Imagine you wrote and recorded a couple albums only to find them with $1.99 tags in the delete bin at the old A&B Sound a couple weeks later. Now imagine finding out 20 years later that you were bigger than Elvis Presley in some country on the other side of the world. It’s hard to […]
Posted on February 22, 2013
By Mike Ross
Entertainment, entertainment, Film, Front Slider

You don’t have to be high to enjoy “Reefer Madness” ironically – but it helps. Or does it? There are a number of misconceptions about the famous 1936 anti-marijuana film, according to Edmonton musician Gene Kosowan, who has created a live “electro-acoustic” reinterpretation of the movie being presented at Wunderbar on Sunday night. “There’s something […]
Posted on December 31, 2012
By Mike Ross
Comedy, Entertainment, entertainment, Film, The Latest, Theatre, TV and Radio

We should’ve known what would happen if we put Mark Meer on the list. Of course he was voted GigCity’s Edmontonian of the Year – in a landslide, with 68% of the vote. He’s such a tireless self-promoter and wields such a formidable clout in social media that winning our little contest/social experiment was a […]
Posted on December 26, 2012
By Mike Ross
Comedy, Entertainment, entertainment, Film, Lit, TV and Radio

If Time magazine can choose a “Person of the Year” from eight billion prospects, we can certainly do it from among the mere one million citizens of Edmonton. It’s kind of like Vue magazine’s “best of Edmonton,” but there can only be one. We just don’t have the budget. The only criteria was “made waves […]
Posted on December 23, 2012
By Mike Ross
Entertainment, Film, Lit, TV and Radio

We’re making a list – but we’ll be checking it three times, at least. The hunt is on for Edmonton’s “Person of the Year,” for no other good reason than “why the hell not?” And you – yes, you, reader – can play a part. In the first phase of what will undoubtedly be a […]
Posted on November 23, 2012
By Mike Ross
Culture, Film, Front Slider

The trick in making a good documentary is knowing when to stop. The story that continues after the end of Rosie Dransfeld’s disturbing new film “Who Cares?” – a stark look at street prostitution in Edmonton – is just as tragic and touching as anything in the documentary itself. One of the main subjects, Shelly, […]
Posted on November 15, 2012
By Barry Hammond

Recognize this line? “Long live the new flesh!” Take a trip back in time to 1983 with the Bizarro Metro series this Friday at the Garneau Theatre with the David Cronenberg classic Videodrome. It was the year when electric typewriters were still more prevalent than computers and the home video phenomenon was at its height. […]
Posted on October 22, 2012
By Mike Ross
Features, Film

Attending the joyous celebration of community that is the summer Kaleido Festival on 118th Avenue, you’d never know that the area was once a cesspool of depravity, rife with drug dealers, gang members and prostitutes. Respectable citizens just didn’t go there. Now children cavort where johns once skulked. Few vestiges of the Northside neighbourhood’s dodginess […]
Posted on October 16, 2012
By Barry Hammond
Film, Front Slider
Who’d have thought eating an olive could be so fraught with contradictory emotions? There’s a scene in a creepy new film called “Berberian Sound Studio” where actor Toby Jones is forced to eat an olive, pit and all, and his face conveys so many different thoughts, feelings, and possibilities that it has to rank as […]
Posted on October 4, 2012
By Barry Hammond
Film, Front Slider
If the idea of a Sunday “couples brunch” makes you want to kill yourself, then It’s a Disaster is for you. Even if it doesn’t, this darkly delicious black comedy has so much going for it that you won’t want to miss the brunch almost literally blowing up. The premise is simple: shortly after a […]
Posted on October 3, 2012
By Mike Ross
Film, Front Slider, Music, Theatre
To have someone from the Yukon come all the way to Edmonton to present a “reconstituted” 1923 silent movie about the REAL Klondike is real treat for locals who are sick of the FAKE Klondike. On the recent moronic rebranding of our formerly bogus festival Klondike Days as K-Days, Whitehorse filmmaker and musician Daniel Janke […]
Posted on October 1, 2012
By Barry Hammond
Film, Front Slider
For those who know George Plimpton only as the plumy-voiced, New England accented socialite who appears in TV commercials, “Plimpton! Starring George Plimpton as Himself” will be a revelation. Screening at The Edmonton International Film Festival (EIFF) on Wednesday, Oct. 3, the film by writer/directors Tom Bean and Luke Poling takes a serious and in-depth […]