CONCERTS: Bieber, Heart, Jett, Paisley parade
Posted on November 12, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Concert announcements are piling up fast! If you missed the Remembrance Day announcement because Americans don’t know from Remembrance Day, Justin Bieber is coming to Edmonton – June 14, 2016 at Rexall Place. Tickets are $60 to $150 and go on sale Friday, Nov. 20. The pre-sale starts Nov. 19. Bieber revealed the details of […]
MUSIC PREVIEW: A tale of two fests
Posted on November 11, 2015 By Michael Senchuk Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Two festivals are competing for your attention this weekend on the live music scene – except they’re probably not even aware of each other, and one’s not even a festival. On the one hand you have the mostly underground – no, fully underground – Endless Bummer Music Fest, going on at various venues throughout the […]
Paul Rodgers gives back to the blues
Posted on November 9, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music

Speaking of cultural appropriation, privileged white rock musicians have been making a killing by ripping off poor black musicians long before anyone uttered the words “cultural appropriation.” Examples are numerous: From Elvis to the Beatles to Justin Timberlake to Madonna, they all “borrowed.” They had big hits and became rich and famous. Meanwhile, innovators like […]
Marianas Trench, Sheepdogs come to Edmonton
Posted on November 9, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

It’s no coincidence that Marianas Trench sounds a little like Nickelback. The shiny pop-rock band from Vancouver was initially signed by 604 Records – owned by Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger, who knows a hit when he hears it. And so it’s no surprise we now have one of the biggest pop-rock crossover successes of the […]
Century-old Vimy Ridge song brought to life
Posted on November 7, 2015 By Mike Ross Culture, Entertainment, Front Slider, Life, life, Music

Remembrance Day always seems to bring out the best in people – even if they’re no longer alive. Maybe especially so, for Nov. 11 is the one day a year to offer a moment of silence to remember soldiers who fought – and died – to protect freedom. It’s the least we can do. Ken […]
MUSIC PREVIEW: Wunderbar spirit lives on
Posted on November 4, 2015 By Michael Senchuk Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Sadness walks through the halls of the city’s music scene in desperation of its awesomeness – for this is the city’s first weekend in almost six years without Wunderbar. Everyone knew it was coming, of course, it was only the exact timing of when the off-Whyte live music venue would close that nobody knew for […]
The Royal Foundry among Peak Three for big money
Posted on November 4, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

The results are in and the message is clear: Alberta is an indie folk-pop kinda province. Three worthy acts – Sherwood Park’s The Royal Foundry (pictured), Lethbridge’s Leeroy Stagger and Calgary’s Transit – are already at least $50,000 richer thanks to the 2015 Alberta PEAK Performance Project. Transit is a rapper, but the other two […]
Canadian Folk Awards ride the tide in Edmonton
Posted on November 3, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

If you’ve listened to pop radio lately, you may have noticed a lot of ukuleles, mandolins, accordions and various odd drums in songs that sound like souped-up folk tunes. They’re taking over! Not much of this neo-folk-indie-pop sound will be represented at the annual Canadian Folk Music Awards taking place in Edmonton this weekend, but […]
The strangE CASe of LeE HARVeY OsMOND
Posted on October 29, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music, Visual Arts

If you believe that there is no such thing as a random event and that every seemingly insignificant decision can have a profound impact on the very fabric of the universe – or at least the destiny of a rock musician – then consider the story of LeE HARVeY OsMOND in this latest episode of […]
Wunderbar to close for good on Halloween
Posted on October 29, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Everyone saw the writing on the lovely crumbling wall, so the final official closure of Wunderbar comes as no surprise. Owner Craig Martellica (pictured) announced the news Thursday. The last night will be Halloween: Saturday, Oct. 31. The doors will stay open till 2 am so people can say their last goodbyes. “We’ve already mourned […]
Hello, Hedley comes to Edmonton
Posted on October 29, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

We’ll never let Hedley fans forget that frontman Jacob Hoggard got his start as the goofiest yet most entertaining contestant on Canadian Idol. He didn’t win. For this is a teaching moment: People who think they can do anything and believe that their momentum will never slow them down are sometimes correct. Hedley is just […]
MUSIC PREVIEW: Hail Halloween Howler
Posted on October 28, 2015 By Michael Senchuk Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

It’s Halloween weekend – always a good excuse to get out and see a live gig, and dress up in the process. Though really, there’s always great music to be had out and about in this city, so you shouldn’t really need an excuse to go out. Or to dress up. The most famous of […]