Local folkies aim for Kansas City
Posted on January 24, 2015 By Trent Wilkie Archive, Front Slider, Inside Slider, Music, music

It is an old folk proverb: When in need of funds, have a musical pot luck. On Sunday, Jan. 25, The Last Call Garage Bar will host a gaggle of folkies who are hoping to raise some funds. The event is presented by The Bow Valley Music Club in hopes to get YEG musicians to […]
Music Preview: Death & Mayhem bookends
Posted on January 22, 2015 By Michael Senchuk Archive, Front Slider, Music, music

The Canadian music scene, and beyond, has been buzzing with frenzied delight ever since it was announced that not only was Death From Above 1979 reuniting, but they would be putting out a new album. That album came out last September, and now the band has set about touring North America, with an Edmonton stop […]
Weird Al brings Mandatory Fun to River Cree
Posted on January 20, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

That “Weird Al” Yankovic has a No. 1 album in Mandatory Fun – his first No. 1, and the first comedy album in half a century to hit No. 1 on Billboard – is either a testament to the pop parodist’s continued greatness, or a sign of a flabby record industry. Maybe it’s a little […]
Music Preview – Heroes, old and new
Posted on January 15, 2015 By Michael Senchuk Archive, Music

It’s a strangely quiet time of year right now in the music scene, allowing everyone to catch their breath before the frenzy that is spring release time. Heck, even the Starlite Room has zero events going on the entire weekend. Zero. A lot of musicians are probably holed up writing songs for their next […]
BAND PHOTOS: Who dares say cheese?
Posted on January 10, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music

In these dark times, would it kill you to smile? Yes, we’re talking to you: Gangsta rappers, heavy metal dudes and other serious musicians whose artistic expression is so important that only scowls can possibly do it justice. As for you, Bono, wipe that smirk off your face! You can’t win. Taking your band photo […]
MUSIC PREVIEW: Life is a highway sign
Posted on January 7, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Welcome to a special weekend music preview edition of WHO NAMED THE BAND. Have you ever noticed how many Alberta indie bands have names that might be found on road signs? Check it out: Whitemud Drive, Whitemud, Whitehorse (not from Whitehorse), Rural Alberta Advantage, Scenic Route to Alaska, Exit 303 (disbanded), Exits, Next Exit, Connors […]
The Cat Empire plays Edmonton in April
Posted on January 5, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Here’s a question music fans have been asking themselves for years: Is there an Australian Arcade Fire? There sure is. Arguably something of an improvement, actually, is the combo known as The Cat Empire, which blends jazz, hip hop, ska, pure pop sensibility and exotic Afro-Latin rhythms into an intoxicating sound that’s won fans all […]
NYE GIGS: Should Auld Lang Syne be forgot?
Posted on December 29, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? It’s a complicated question from such a sappy song we only hear once a year. Christmas carols you hear a few dozen times for a month, Happy Birthday as many times as you have family members and friends, or acquaintances, but Auld Lang Syne you […]
Edmonton People, Places and Things of 2014
Posted on December 27, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, life, Music, Theatre, TV and Radio

Instead of holding a ridiculous contest to determine the Edmontonian of the Year – which is dependent on the determination of the subject and his or her followers to win at all costs, much like a political election – this year we present a straight recap of the most widely read stories on GigCity. Guarantee: […]
Top 10 Edmonton records of 2014
Posted on December 26, 2014 By Michael Senchuk Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Music

The last year saw an interesting rotation in live music clubs – from the closing of the Avenue Theatre to the opening of the Mercury Room – while the music made by Edmonton bands continued to happily diverge from the mainstream. The 10 albums below demonstrate the best of what local acts have to say […]
MUSIC PREVIEW: Singing Christmas Tree a BIG deal
Posted on December 17, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

So it’s a set of risers shaped like a gargantuan Christmas tree with people dressed like Christmas tree ornaments standing on it, singing Christmas carols, this “Singing Christmas Tree”? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Oh, but so much more! A venerable and uniquely Edmonton holiday spectacle, as far as we know, the Singing Christmas Tree […]
Top 14 nostalgia shows of 2014
Posted on December 11, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music

Excluding Bro Country for Young Men – Luke Bryan, Florida Georgia Line, Dirk Gently – and Trix for Little Girls – P!nk, Gaga, Lady Perry – which will always be with us, an astounding trend emerges from the 2014 concert season: People sure love nostalgia. Stop whatever has replaced presses! Septuagenarians had a field day. […]