MUSIC PREVIEW: Attack of The Pack!
Posted on February 26, 2014 By Michael Senchuk Archive, Entertainment, Music

Vancouver noise duo The Pack a.d. doesn’t need any introduction to local music fans. The grinding guitars of Becky Black, and the barely-reigned-in-chaos drumming of Maya Miller have caught the attention of media and public alike throughout the nation, with songs like “Sirens” and in particular “Haunt You”, which was a radio behemoth. The duo […]
MUSIC PREVIEW: Rah Rah leads Saskatchewanian Invasion!
Posted on February 19, 2014 By Michael Senchuk Entertainment, Music

There’s a four-band bill happening this Saturday at the Artery that just may end up as the best concert of the first quarter in the city. Headlining the event is Regina act Rah Rah, an intriguing blend of indie pop and party folk. With buzzworthy songs like “Arrows” and “Henry” from their sophomore release, and […]
MUSIC: Fools Tongue channels Peter Gabriel
Posted on February 19, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music

What a world where musicians can make music as progressive as the proggiest of prog-rock – in an Edmonton basement. Fools Tongue’s new album “New World” sounds like Sting meets Peter Gabriel in, er … words fail, a home recording studio. Don’t get that every day around these parts. “That’s our world,” says singer Luke […]
INTERVIEW: Sass Jordan on Canadian Idol, short attention spans
Posted on February 16, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music

There is no alternate reality where American Idol and its ilk did not exist so we could all say, “See? Look how great popular music is without all these deluded show-offs to ruin it for everyone!” The Idols would’ve shown off anyway. These sort of TV talent shows just put inner workings of the pop […]
MUSIC PREVIEW: Got a new girl now
Posted on February 13, 2014 By Michael Senchuk Entertainment, Music

It’ll be a tough weekend for gigs and gigging, what with Valentine’s Day on Friday night – and the Olympics on TV all weekend, especially now that hockey’s started. But there is nothing more romantic than going to see a rock show with your partner in love, is there? Do yourself a favor and check […]
Happy Valentine’s Day! Yanni’s coming, hint, hint
Posted on February 11, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Hey Ladies! Who loves you? That’s right, Yanni loves you. Do you know who loves you even more? The man who buys you tickets to Yanni, who returns to the Jubilee Auditorium on Tuesday, Sept. 9. Tickets go on sale Friday – Valentine’s Day. Hint, hint. And this should really be directed at the men […]
MUSIC PREVIEW: Vancouver duo a killer
Posted on February 6, 2014 By Michael Senchuk Entertainment, Music

Imagine taking the best part of your favorite rock radio station, and the best part of your favorite blues station, pushing it through a high-end juicer and then drinking the result. That may be an apt description of Vancouver duo Harpoonist and the Axe Murderer. Sort of reminiscent of The Black Keys, but a little […]
REVIEW: Free Candy sweet outside, bitter within
Posted on February 3, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music

No amount of sexy name, boppy songs, marching band costumes, tooting horns, fuzzy bass and bloopy old Farfisa organs can hide the fact that the Wet Secrets is a damned dark band. Their new album Free Candy might give sensitive listeners the urge to slit their wrists – if it weren’t for all the delicious […]
Heart returns to Edmonton in a mighty second wind
Posted on February 3, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

It is so gratifying to see a once-forgotten classic rock band enjoy a new life. Hey, it happens, from time to time. This time, it couldn’t have happened to a more worthy band than Heart. With the first rate soul sista rock chicks Nancy and Ann Wilson in fine form into their 60s, the band […]
Calgary bar steals ‘Sidetrack’ mojo – Edmontonians irked
Posted on January 31, 2014 By Mike Ross culture, Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, News, news

Some Edmonton music scene-sters are crying foul over the sudden appearance of the “Sidetrack Stage and Grill” in Calgary – but managers insist that this is not a crass attempt to cash in on Edmonton’s famous sadly defunct music venue. “No disrespect is intended,” says Darcy Clendenning, promotions manager for the Sidetrack Stage and Grill […]
RIP: David Finkelman pursued path less taken
Posted on January 30, 2014 By Jared Majeski Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music, News

Dave Finkelman, an immensely popular musician, CJSR DJ, friend, brother and son, tragically passed away on Jan. 27 after being struck by a car while he was walking in a marked crosswalk on Whyte Avenue. A short distance away from the Wunderbar – a venue the 27-year-old musician and his band Energetic Action performed at […]
MUSIC PREVIEW: Folk the weekend
Posted on January 30, 2014 By Michael Senchuk Entertainment, Music

This weekend’s gig schedule is filled with a whole lot of folk musicians and singer-songwriters – appropriate to the city’s music scene and also the time of year. Come to think of it, we get great folk all year long. Josh Ritter and Geoff Berner headline shows on both Friday and Saturday night, and then […]