FRINGE 2019: Go to bed or BABA YAGA will get you!
Posted on August 19, 2019 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Baba Yaga Stage 6 (Strathcona Community League) Baba Yaga is a fearsome creature used for centuries to frighten Slavic children just before bed. She is described as a witch but has assumed many shapes and forms. and is probably best known for living in the forest in a house on chicken’s legs. The Alberta Opera, […]
FRINGE MEN SPEAKING TRUTH PART 3: Always Never There a powerful piece
Posted on August 19, 2019 By Paula E. Kirman Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Always Never There, Never Always There: Meth, Men & Mental Illness Stage 9 (Telus Phone Museum) Edmonton writer and performer Antonio J. Bavaro bares both body and soul in his one man-show that discusses his history of relationships, and struggles with addiction, mental health, and being neuro-atypical – all from a queer perspective. Bavaro, who […]
FRINGE MEN SPEAKING TRUTH, PART 2: Game of Crohn’s about coping
Posted on August 19, 2019 By Paula E. Kirman Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Game of Crohn’s Stage 9 (Telus Phone Museum) Toronto’s Dan Rosen has crafted a one-hour monologue about living with, as he so aptly puts it, a “poop disease.” Rosen is a comedic writer who is able to poke fun at his medical condition and its resulting embarrassing, undignified moments, without relying on scatalogical humour alone. […]
FRINGE 2019: 3 Plays About Men Speaking Their Truth
Posted on August 19, 2019 By Paula E. Kirman Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

The need for men to talk about their experiences and feelings honestly and directly is something often discussed as a way to counter the toxic masculinity transmitted when boys are taught to suppress their feelings. These three one-person plays at the Edmonton Fringe Theatre Festival feature men (in one case, a male-presenting gender-fluid person) speaking […]
MASTERS OF THE FRINGE NO. 2: A Momentary Lapse a witty Lemoine
Posted on August 19, 2019 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

A Momentary Lapse Stage 12 (Varscona Theatre) The “Law” has collared two miscreants: Louise (Jocelyn Ahlf) is a flute playing yoga practicing Amnesty International member, wife and mother. Then there’s Arthur (Luc Tellier) a twitchy 16-year-old Grade 12 student and sometime pyromaniac. The pair created a ruckus on a flight and have been summarily dumped […]
2 MASTERS OF FRINGE 2019: British lust and off-the-wall wit abound!
Posted on August 19, 2019 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

The Bald Soprano Stage 12 (Varscona Theatre) Back in the ’50s, it’s no wonder that audiences left Eugene Ionesco’s short play The Bald Soprano scratching their heads. “What was that all about…?” Well, it’s about 90 minutes of disconnected abstract satire that doesn’t make much logical sense. What they were attending was the birth of […]
FRINGE 2019: What is your BUSINESS in Canada?!
Posted on August 18, 2019 By Gene Kosowan Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Border Breakdown Venue 34 (Varscona Hotel, Thomas Bennett Room) Any notions that Canada is becoming Snowflake Central for travelling millennials is a myth – especially if you try to get across the border. Never mind the Syrian refugees for whom Prime Minister Justin Trudeau swung open our doors for “illegals” from the U.S. trying to […]
FRINGE 2019: Arrogant Worms song comes ALIVE in kids play
Posted on August 18, 2019 By Gene Kosowan Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

The Last Saskatchewan Pirate: A Play Venue 14 (Holy Trinity Anglican Church) So here’s a nifty way to get kids introduced to taxes and the inner workings of the federal government. First, find a suitable kid-friendly, politically-charged ditty clocking in at around three minutes and morph it into a half-hour play. And to boost the […]
FRINGE 2019: Darwin not mentioned in play about Darwin
Posted on August 18, 2019 By Gene Kosowan Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Darwin vs. Rednecks Venue 38 (Sue Paterson Memorial Theatre) If you show up expecting a send-up of Jeff Foxworthy one-liners about crimson-scorched knuckle draggers, you’ll be sadly disappointed. Instead, Kentucky-based standup comedian Stewart Huff has crafted a deeply-layered set of triggers pitting Right against Left and North against South – ever since the U.S. tore […]
FRINGE 2019 WARNING: 4 Political Plays
Posted on August 18, 2019 By Gene Kosowan Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

7 Days Venue 36 (La Cite Auditorium) You’ll find plenty of ambiguity around which to wrap your head in this dramedy from the Egyptian theatre troupe named East-Voice. But if you’re studious enough to read between the lines, deftly delivered by the onstage trio in both Arabic and English, you’ll find there’s plenty that playwright […]
FRINGE 2019: T.J. Dawe God of the Fringe
Posted on August 18, 2019 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

The Slipknot Stage 16 (Holy Trinity Sanctuary Stage) The title “Fringe God” was probably coined for T.J. Dawe. In the early 2000’s the Vancouver playwright and performer edefined the solo stand up. A gangly young man with an earnest chipmunk manner and a lively sense of humour, he was everyman. All he needed was a […]
FRINGE 2019: Gordon’s Cream of Improv
Posted on August 18, 2019 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Gordon’s Big Bald Head: Usurpermen! Stage 12 (Varscona Theatre) For this year’s episode of the long-running Fringe hit Gordon’s Big Bald Head, a trio of master improvisers stride on stage. “Greetings, people of Earth!” they intone. Apparent they are “strange visitors from another planet.” Anyone who has witnessed the supernatural abilities of the three to […]