The School for Scandal shockingly relevant today
Posted on March 30, 2018 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

The School for Scandal was written by Richard Brindsley Sheridan in 1777. As a piece of satire about Georgian-era social intrigues, it has proven to have remarkable durability and has spoken to successive generations of theatregoers about their own times. It not only probes some of society’s more outrageous and viperous self-aggrandizers, it does so […]
MUSIC PREVIEW: Geoff Berner stays on message
Posted on March 28, 2018 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Rachel Notley is on the record for being a “huge” fan of Geoff Berner. “I love his sense of humour, his angles on issues, he’s very cutting, he’s very witty,” the Premier of Alberta told GigCity in 2016. And Geoff Berner – the klezmer-loving accordion-squeezing political folksinger from B.C. – is on the record for […]
PLAYBILL: A new kind of high school drama
Posted on March 26, 2018 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

If you consider the arts a bellwether for society’s cultural disruptions, it makes perfect sense we’re lately seeing more stories about transgendered people. It is not a coincidence. It’s not an epidemic. What was hidden is now being explored. Times are changing, acceptance is the way forward, and the best method to combat ignorance and […]
REVIEW: Robyn Hitchcock still surreal
Posted on March 26, 2018 By Gene Kosowan Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music, news

If the name Robyn Hitchcock is mysterious to hit parade stalwarts, don’t worry – it’s not likely his rabid legion of followers quite “get” him, either. That didn’t stop some 70 devotees of the surrealistic singer-songwriter from trying to unravel the Matrix-like yarns he spun in song and banter on Sunday night in Sherwood Park’s […]
Cannabis Expo lights up the unenlightened
Posted on March 25, 2018 By Trent Wilkie Culture, Entertainment, Front Slider, Science

The stigma around marijuana is changing. Sure, some politicians still have no functional grasp of the subject of pot. Before voting on Canada’s Cannabis Act last week, Senator Nicole Eaton said that “five grams is about four tokes.” But the marijuana community isn’t allowing ignorance to stop them. In fact, it is emboldening them to […]
REVIEW: Hedley’s last stand
Posted on March 23, 2018 By Lisa Lunney Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Thousands of fans filled Rogers Place in Edmonton for Hedley on Thursday night – despite allegations of sexual misconduct looming against frontman Jacob Hoggard. In the 13 years of Hedley, from the singer’s origins as the most interesting Canadian Idol contestant, Hoggard always presented himself as a pompous playboy. Yet in light of these accusations, […]
City of Angels a cynical work for young MacEwan cast
Posted on March 22, 2018 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

City of Angels is one of those Broadway shows that bubbles along just below the surface of the great ones. Sure, it’s no Sound of Music but it is a solid, ingenious and entertaining evening. First produced in 1989, the book by Larry Gelbart (M*A*S*H*, Tootsie) is a witty satire on Hollywood, a spoof with […]
MUSIC PREVIEW: Time for 2000s nostalgia!
Posted on March 21, 2018 By Michael Senchuk Archive, Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Two of Canada’s biggest alternative rock acts of the early 2000s have joined forces for two nights in Edmonton. Playing at the Jubilee Auditorium next Monday and Tuesday, Our Lady Peace and Matthew Good are in the midst of a 20-date co-headlining tour that spans the breadth of Canada, from St. John’s to Vancouver. Good […]
PLAYBILL: A real Cinderella story
Posted on March 19, 2018 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

There must be something compelling about the Cinderella story that it keeps being told again and again and in so many ways – more than 2,000 years after it was written. Following the first example of a tale of a slave girl who marries an Egyptian prince through a series of improbable events, Alberta Ballet […]
Emotional Poison lets the healing begin
Posted on March 17, 2018 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

A man and a woman sit in a bleak room under an unforgiving white light. Rain falls incessantly and thunder beats a distant tattoo. Their halting conversation begins painfully as they attempt to overcome the emotional residue of a relationship that ended a long time ago. The two are in a holding room in the […]
New Cat Walsh play full of dead ends and detours
Posted on March 16, 2018 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Edmonton Playwright Cat Walsh writes in a Ray Bradbury-ish style of sci-fi: horror, creatures and the end of the world. She’s no horrormeister looking for a cheap scare, but fills her unsettling works in an ever growing suspense-filled environment acted upon by threatening exterior forces. She is more Hitchcock then George A. Romero. You may […]
Johnny Reid puts the soul in country
Posted on March 16, 2018 By Olivia Rose Leaf Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music

There was feeling of a Sunday church “revival” at the Jubilee Auditorium on Thursday night – and Johnny Reid was the preacher. It was obvious that this Scottish-Canadian country superstar was back in Edmonton to show his audience a good time. No expense was spared when it came to production of his Revival tour, named […]