FRINGE REVIEW: Volare Tenors Make Beautiful Popera Together
Posted on August 18, 2021 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

It is said that “Popera” began in 1911 when Caruso strode into a Milan studio and recorded an aria for ordinary people. The art form came into flower again most recently when the Three Tenors sang to some 800 million people from Rome’s Baths of Caracalla on July 7, 1990. Current popular groups that record […]
LIVE REVIEW: Winter in Summer a perfect little folk fest
Posted on August 17, 2021 By Gwyneth Bignell Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, music

It was the perfect day for a festival – the intense summer heat dulled by a cool breeze, the city spread out across the horizon in the near distance. Last as the opening evening of the Winter in Summer festival sponsored by Steamwhistle at the Edmonton Ski Club (more or less the site of the […]
LIVE REVIEW: First Time at a Burlesque Show? Spotlight Cabaret’s got your back
Posted on July 10, 2021 By Gwyneth Bignell culture, Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider

Prologue The show is sold-out. The ceiling is lined with massive crystal chandeliers, but the lighting somehow remains moody. At the front of the room is a stage — only one small step up from the ground but further elevated by the plush red curtains that flank it and the star-speckled curtain behind. The curtain […]
POST PANDEMIC LIVE REVIEW: Tales From a Sober Person at a Day Rave
Posted on July 2, 2021 By Gwyneth Bignell Entertainment, Front Slider, Music

Never in my life did I think I’d be saying this – but I missed the smell of a bar. I missed the way my shoes stuck to the floor. I missed strangers stumbling into me and slurring sorry. I anticipated a certain degree of uncertainty at my first show in over a year – […]
THE REAWAKENING: Performing Artists Like Weeds in Wake of Pandemic
Posted on July 1, 2021 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider

Lo’, while mighty oaks are felled by the terrible storm, the humble grasses survive. Sorry to compare performing artists to weeds – but here we are, after what feels like emerging from a coma, fully vaxxed and waxxed (this may sting a bit), and ready to be live entertained once again. Today! Canada Day, July […]
HOCKEY: In the Box with Brent & Craig
Posted on May 18, 2021 By Brent Oliver & Craig Douglas Entertainment, Front Slider

Putting the X in Jets Playoffs? Playoffs! The Oilers start their second season this Wednesday against the Winnipeg Jets 2.0. After watching most of the last of the games, Craig and Brent return in the best shape of their lives, and ready to take down the Golden Boy and all of the members of the […]
HOCKEY: In the Box with Brent & Craig
Posted on March 7, 2021 By Brent Oliver & Craig Douglas culture, Entertainment, News

TorontOH-NO Ruh-Roh! The Oilers have fallen back to earth and lost three straight against the Toronto Leaves (boy that stings) where they scored one single solitary goal. Small bounce back against the Flames last night so are we panicking? Sure as shit we are. Are we used to this feeling? You bet your sweet bippy. […]
HOCKEY: In the Box with Brent & Craig
Posted on February 19, 2021 By Brent Oliver & Craig Douglas Entertainment, life

Splitapeg You win some, you lose some, and sometimes you have terrible goaltending. Brent and Craig are here this week to breakdown the ups and downs of the two game series against the Jets and look forward (?) to a home at home with the godless Calgary Flames. Will there be fights in the stands? […]
THEATRE STREAM: NLT’s The Look Reveals Tragedy of Fashion
Posted on January 25, 2021 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

The name of Alexa Wyatt is a familiar one if you have a subscription to ACORN (or any number of other international TV streamers.) Wyatt is an extremely prolific Australian writer/producer responsible for such global hits as McLeod’s Daughters, Janet King and Police Rescue. Back in 1992 she found time to write a play called […]
THEATRE REVIEW: New Northern Light original a real horror show
Posted on November 12, 2020 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

“Last Night I dreamt I went to Manderley again…” With those words Daphne du Maurier began her chilling romantic-psychological 1938 gothic novel Rebecca. The story followed the same lines that were laid down in spook-ridden Victorian times, with flickering candles, wavering shadows, creaking floorboards and a fleeting look of a woman caught in a flash […]
Mayfield stages lock-down lock-solid hit with socially distanced rock musical
Posted on November 9, 2020 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

After the success of its modest but adroit production of Shaun Smyth’s one-man show Playing With Fire, the Mayfield Dinner Theatre has decided to go into full lockdown-busting mode. They are still strictly adhering to the AHS rules and have reconfigured the theatre with attendant restrictions and modifications. Social distancing is emphasized with a minimum […]
EIFF REVIEW: Balikbayan an uplifting documentary with heart
Posted on October 10, 2020 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, Film, Front Slider

Edmontonian Jon Jon Rivero made a promise at his father’s deathbed – that he would discover his roots in the Philippines. Jon Jon’s trip was an epic journey of meaningful service that has consumed much of his life, and led to the eloquent documentary film seeing its world premiere at the Edmonton International Film Festival: […]