COMMENT: Eskimos Ladies Night a flop even before it happens
The Edmonton Eskimos have 10 chances a year to lure as many as 60,000 people at a time to Commonwealth Stadium. In a league that lives and dies on gate revenue, they can’t afford to blow their chances to get bums in seats – and yet, somehow, they do. The Edmonton Oilers need only to […]
Right? Left? Bill Maher bound to make someone mad
When people hate you as much as some people hate Bill Maher, but you still make enough money to give a political cause a million dollars, you know you’re doing something right. At the Jubilee Auditorium on Friday night, Maher is an unapologetic agnostic. His latter-career political genesis started as a centrist libertarian on Politically […]
EDMONTON RADIO: Melissa Wright more than just a Rock Chick
K-97 midday host Melissa Wright has a tacit agreement with her mother – she won’t talk about her mom on the air, and her mom won’t listen just in case she does. As it happened, one afternoon both mom and grandma were in the car and flipped on the radio just in time to hear […]
Edmonton Pride Festival more than words
For those in the straightest quarters of Edmonton who don’t know, the word “Pride” in its proper form has come to mean “gay pride,” just as the word “gay” in all its meanings will apply to the big parade and subsequent party taking place Saturday at noon in downtown Edmonton. It’s the Edmonton Pride Parade. […]
EDMONTON RADIO: Onward, Christian music at Shine FM
There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy – and too bad Hamlet wasn’t around to ponder an entire radio station devoted to Jesus. The very existence of Edmonton’s Shine 105.9 FM is a miracle. So is the fact there’s enough Christian music to sustain it. More than […]
EDMONTON RADIO: Garner Andrews, morning man of mystery
Garner Andrews can’t stand public speaking. He admits he even freaked out a little bit before delivering a toast at his brother’s wedding, and stresses “for months” over the prospect of doing a band introduction on stage – and yet he has no problem talking to 50,000 people on Sonic radio every morning. “That doesn’t […]
Brent Butt comes back to stand-up comedy – June 22 at the Winspear
Before Brent Butt went on to star in the modern version of The Beachcombers, he was a happening stand-up comic – and like most happening stand-up comics who make it big, he always seems to come back to his roots. The star of Corner Gas and CTV’s Hiccups will hit this road this spring for […]