EDMONTON RADIO: Battle of the morning zoos
It was an experiment that tested the limits of human endurance – listen to three-and-a-half straight hours of morning FM radio, talk only, to scientifically determine who has the best morning zoo in Edmonton. It’s like Robot Chicken: Get a decent punchline or hear anything other than DJ banter and one must immediately flip to […]
EDMONTON RADIO: Is the Bounce bad for children? Short answer: yes
Important disclaimer: This article is about top-40 radio. Therefore, in a year or less, the names and song titles will appear hopelessly quaint and out of date. If you’re reading this in the future (hello, people of the future!), go ahead and laugh. If the Rapture hasn’t come by then, we will laugh with you. […]
Morning man on a mission: Terry Evans takes on censorship
Terry Evans has worn many hats in his long radio career in Edmonton. Wasn’t he a clean-head for a while there? Maybe it was a shave-your-head-for-cancer-awareness thing. He even tried stand-up comedy (he wasn’t very good, sadly) but says he hasn’t had an act since 1993. He’s far too busy. In addition to wearing his […]
ROSS: What’s that SOUND? Edmonton’s lowest-rated station has potential for greatness
Random question asked of 10 random “alternative adults” in a random shopping mall on a random evening in recent history: Do you listen to The Sound? Their answers, in order (guaranteed real!): 1. No. 2. Sorry, man … (walks away quickly). 3. (Smirks) I don’t listen to the radio. 4. I listen to my iPod. […]