Elements of Harmony at Edmonton Expo
Posted on September 26, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, TV and Radio

In her excitement, her wing accidentally brushed a precious, fragile goblet precariously perched on the edge of a shelf – sending it crashing to the stone floor of Castle Expo. Bloodied, embarrassed and 30 gold coins short, the sad little Pegasus flew back to Equestria – along the way catching a glimpse of Discord. He […]
Edmonton Expo a Magical Place
Posted on September 26, 2015 By Trent Wilkie Culture, Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, Life, Lit, Music, TV and Radio

For one weekend, the streets of Edmonton were barren of nerds. Did they get beamed up into some Star Trekian rapture? No. Did they all move to Vulcan and start coffee shops and grow ops? No (not all). Did they decide en masse to go underground into a series of catacomb based lairs where video […]
How rude! Sonic Manners Movement video offends
Posted on September 22, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, news, TV and Radio

A worthy quest to bring good manners back into public discourse has ironically backfired for one local radio station – to judge from at least one complaint. Who, you ask, could possibly be offended by Sonic 102.9 FM radio’s video to promote the “Manners Movement?” It’s a harmless parody of 1980s gangsta rappers wherein a […]
INTERVIEW: James Marsters rocks beyond Spike
Posted on September 22, 2015 By Trent Wilkie Entertainment, Front Slider, TV and Radio

While some entertainers use comic-cons as a way to promote their work, James Marsters uses them to make friends. “I’ve met people who worked on the Mars Rover and who helped build the Hadron Collider,” says Marsters, who plays Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He’s one of the guests at the Edmonton Comic and […]
RADIO: Dirty Deeds done expensive
Posted on August 25, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, life, Music, TV and Radio

In the Bear radio station’s “Dirty Deeds” contest to win tickets to the sold-out AC/DC show at Commonwealth Stadium on Sept. 20, the first challenge was to call your wife and tell her your dog died … and another radio stunt goes over the line. Asked to explain themselves, the cast of The Paul Brown […]
Amber Nash puts a little ‘Pam’ in Fringe play
Posted on August 17, 2015 By Stephan Boissonneault Comedy, Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre, TV and Radio

The name Amber Nash may not mean anything to you, but her voice undeniably will. The American actress voices the curvaceous, openly bi-sexual, hedonistic, human resources director Pam Poovey in FX’s hit adult-animated espionage satire cartoon Archer. Nash is in Edmonton for her one-woman show What’s Wrong With You? during Edmonton’s 34th International Fringe Theatre […]
EXCLUSIVE! 19th Century Psychic rips Long Island Medium
Posted on June 6, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, life, TV and Radio

A séance was held, and the spirit of famed 19th Century psychic Catherine Fox agreed to an exclusive interview to celebrate the appearance of the Long Island Medium in Edmonton – just like magic! GIGCITY: Ms. Fox, thanks for doing this. I know you must be busy. FOX: I always have time for the living. […]
The 8 Best Kids in the Hall characters
Posted on May 15, 2015 By Mike Ross Comedy, Entertainment, Front Slider, TV and Radio

Most real comedians will admit – grudgingly – that great minds sometimes think alike. This is why the case against Saturday Night Live for allegedly ripping off This Hour Has 22 Minutes shouldn’t hold up. The bit is about the “Prophet Muhammad” being a particularly difficult Pictionary clue. This joke is obvious in light of […]
What happened to BT?
Posted on May 9, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, News, news, TV and Radio

The dark cloud over the sudden cancellation of Breakfast Television – city TV’s news-talk-variety show that’s run every weekday morning in Edmonton since they were called the A-Channel back in the 1990s – at least seems to have a small silver lining. BT is gone, the majority of its staff laid off, part of a […]
Casualties in Edmonton Radio Wars!
Posted on March 13, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, news, TV and Radio

Pepper and Dylan are fragged, their lieutenants missing in action; Lochlin Cross and his beloved Loc’r Room are history. These are just some of the recent casualties in the Radio Wars of Edmonton. There may be more. It sucks to get fired, to get escorted out of the building, to be told you don’t fit […]
Put it where the Sun don’t shine
Posted on March 7, 2015 By Mike Ross culture, Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, Music, Politics, Theatre, TV and Radio

They came to mock, not to bury – but then The Sun News Network suddenly went off the air, leaving a group of local performance artists intent on venting their feelings towards Ezra Levant’s soapbox with a wake instead of a roast. The first – and probably last – presentation of The Scum News Network […]
Plastic Men shut out at Canadian Screen Awards
Posted on March 2, 2015 By Trent Wilkie Comedy, Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, TV and Radio

Tiny Plastic Men, Edmonton’s sole representative at the 2015 Canadian Screen Awards, went zero-for-three at Sunday night’s ceremony in Toronto – but it was an honour just to be nominated. Really, it was. Mark Meer, who was up for Best Actor in a Continuing Leading Comic Role, was a good sport about the loss, Facebooking […]