Ryan Jespersen jumps to CHED
Posted on January 5, 2015 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, life, News, TV and Radio

We’re going to be seeing a lot less of Ryan Jespersen in the future – but we’ll be hearing a lot more of him. The 37-year-old broadcaster’s jump from City’s Breakfast Television to host of The Ryan Jespersen Show on 630 CHED is the biggest seismic media shift of 2015 so far. After a week […]
Edmonton People, Places and Things of 2014
Posted on December 27, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, life, Music, Theatre, TV and Radio

Instead of holding a ridiculous contest to determine the Edmontonian of the Year – which is dependent on the determination of the subject and his or her followers to win at all costs, much like a political election – this year we present a straight recap of the most widely read stories on GigCity. Guarantee: […]
USS INTERVIEW: Skewering Human Kebab
Posted on November 27, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, music, TV and Radio

Based on a true story: After shouting at some kids to get off his lawn, an old man gets into his car one Friday night, turns on Sonic 102.9 FM radio and is pleasantly surprised to hear the familiar strains of Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2. But something is terribly, terribly […]
EDMONTON RADIO: Clayton in the driver’s seat
Posted on November 6, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, life, Music, TV and Radio

Clayton Bellamy says he feels weird when he hears his own song on the radio – especially when he’s the DJ on the air at the time. Who would’ve guessed it would turn out to be CISN Country that takes one of the biggest risks in Edmonton radio history? They’ve put a recording artist with […]
Who needs Hollywood? Mark Meer on game fame
Posted on September 24, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, life, Theatre, TV and Radio

In his wildest geek dreams, Edmonton actor Mark Meer never imagined he’d grow up to be a video game action hero. “I’m pretty pleased things worked out,” he says. The voice of Commander Shepard from the Mass Effect video game series is one of stars at the Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo in the Edmonton […]
Grant Imahara on geeky delights at Edmonton Expo
Posted on September 23, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, entertainment, Film, Front Slider, Theatre, TV and Radio

Times have changed since Grant Imahara was a kid. The geeks discovered their power. That’s a big one. “Certainly being a geek when I was in high school in the late ‘80s, it was not a team of endearment,” says the former host of MythBusters who’s appearing this weekend at the Edmonton Comic and Entertainment […]
Edmonton animator scores dream deal
Posted on August 1, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, news, TV and Radio

Fans of Riley Beach’s award-winning cartoons on the Superchannel series Tiny Plastic Men will be seeing a lot more subversive hilarity where that came from thanks to his new deal with the creators of Adventure Time. It’s his favourite show. “It’s almost as if a grown-up has harnessed a kid’s way of telling a story, […]
The Local Good wins top award at Yeggies
Posted on May 10, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, TV and Radio

One does not associate social media with actual sociability, much less the concepts of health and fitness, but judging from the winners named at the Yeggies awards Friday night, stereotypes are meant to be broken. The Local Good – a local website and social media network devoted to green, local and sustainable living – won […]
We won’t get April Fooled Again
Posted on April 1, 2014 By Mike Ross Comedy, Entertainment, Front Slider, TV and Radio

Edmonton baby boomers can still remember an epic April Fool’s Day joke played by 630 CHED, which in the early 1970s was the only radio station everyone listened to. The phone company, Ed-Tel, announced that it was going to blow all the dust out of the phone lines at precisely 7:30 am, so you’d best […]
COMEDY: Brent Butt ALMOST a movie star
Posted on February 25, 2014 By Mike Ross Comedy, Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, TV and Radio

The great thing about being a stand-up comic who gets a TV series is that you have a pretty sweet gig to fall back on once the series – inevitably – ends. A lot of comedy actors who try to be comedians after their television careers end aren’t so lucky. Ask Michael Richards. Brent Butt […]
Astounding CKUA changes: No one gets fired!
Posted on February 7, 2014 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, news, TV and Radio

For more proof that the CKUA Radio Network is unlike almost any other radio network on Earth, look no further than the station’s impending “shake-up” that takes effect Feb. 18. They didn’t fire anybody! What’s a “change in direction” if they don’t ambush and heave overboard at least one notable radio personality? It happens all […]
Young Drunk Punk has Edmonton roots
Posted on January 21, 2014 By Mike Ross Comedy, Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre, TV and Radio, tv and radio

Before Bruce McCulloch became a dad who wears pyjamas in the daytime and lives in the Hollywood Hills, before he became a comedy star in Kids in the Hall, he was a young drunk punk in Edmonton. There’s the perfect title of the one-man show he’s bringing to the Arden Theatre on Jan. 27: Young […]