Is EPS domestic violence ad too shocking?
Posted on January 19, 2014 By Mike Ross Crime, Front Slider, Life, life, News, news, TV and Radio, tv and radio

There’s a disturbing television commercial you may have seen over the holidays: Close-ups of weeping women whose faces are covered in cuts and bruises, their mouths sealed with duct tape. Sinister music and panicked voices on the telephone are heard in the background. The women are actors. The message is real: “Speak out. They need […]
RADIO: Nothing to lose in flip to CRUZ
Posted on December 27, 2013 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, music, News, TV and Radio, tv and radio

From being almost dead last in the ratings, Edmonton’s 95.7 FM radio literally has nothing to lose in its boxing week flip to 95.7 CRUZ FM. The good news is that there’s going to be more rock on local radio now. Classic rock. As is customary in the industry before such a radical change in […]
Vote for No. 2 Edmontonian of the Year!
Posted on December 21, 2013 By Mike Ross Entertainment, News, Politics, TV and Radio

The quest continues to crown the Number Two Edmontonian of the Year. That’s right: No. 2. No. 1 is taken. We just handed Mayor Don Iveson the title without the bother of conducting a poll; think of it as a comment on democracy, or something. Never mind. Besides, the citizens of Edmonton already showed their […]
Edmontonian of 2013: Who is No. 2?
Posted on December 17, 2013 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, News, news, Politics, TV and Radio

Avenue Magazine can name the Top 40 Under 40, the Wanderer can laud Edmonton’s Top 100 Women in Business, we can read one rearend Top 10 list after another – but just as Time Magazine has to pick only one Person of the Year from all the apples and oranges and other various fruits and […]
RADIO PERSONALITY: Ryder’s hyperactivity an asset
Posted on December 11, 2013 By Mike Ross Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, TV and Radio

A notorious Edmonton broadcaster has turned his childhood ADHD diagnosis into a gift. Where Ritalin failed, radio has done wonders for Ryder in the Morning. “I had a 2014 attention span in 1990, which was dangerous,” he says, getting ahead of himself already. “I think the 2014 attention span works now. People live in Vine […]
No Mo’ NoMoMovember: McKeen mows mo’
Posted on November 29, 2013 By Mike Ross Comedy, Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, News, news, Politics, TV and Radio, tv and radio

Edmonton City Councillor Scott McKeen has kept his promise and cut off his Monopoly mannish moustache to raise $1,000 for Movember – and thank God that’s over. At the urging of the ill-conceived NoMoMovember Movement – as hard to say as it is to get behind – which was dedicated to the eradication of hideous […]
TV PERSONALITY: Gord Steinke, REAL Anchorman
Posted on November 27, 2013 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, News, news, TV and Radio, tv and radio

Gord Steinke is a huge fan of Ron Burgundy, Anchorman – the moronic empty ego with perfect hair and teeth played by the hilarious Will Ferrell, starring with much advance hype in The Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues, opening Dec. 20 in theatres everywhere. Ron Burgundy is not an accurate depiction of a real anchorman. […]
INTERVIEW: Dan Savage makes punditry cool
Posted on October 17, 2013 By Mike Ross Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Lit, literature, Politics, TV and Radio

On Christians and the whole gay marriage thing, Dan Savage says, “Jesus Christ Himself condemned divorce, yet we’re not amending state constitutions to prohibit people getting divorced. It’s hypocritical of these people to say that they cannot come around on the gay issue because of the Bible when they ignore so many other parts of […]
Plagiarism fracas erupts in Ward 6 race
Posted on October 16, 2013 By Mike Ross Front Slider, News, Politics, TV and Radio, tv and radio

Accusations of plagiarism against Ward 6 candidate Melinda Hollis have prompted calls for her to drop out of the election – but the candidate denies she’s done anything wrong. Leading the charge is her accuser Kathleen Smith, aka social media personality KikkiPlanet, who says she discovered an essay about urban sprawl that was posted on […]
TV PERSONALITY: Lynda Steele is gonna make it after all!
Posted on October 11, 2013 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, News, TV and Radio, tv and radio

It sure didn’t take long for Lynda Steele to become a media rock star in Vancouver. Barely two and a half years since she left a 16 year stint anchoring the evening news on Global Edmonton, she’s been given her own show on CTV Vancouver: Steele On Your Side. The half-hour consumer program premieres Oct. […]
TV PERSONALITY: Ryan Jespersen and the Lake of Fire
Posted on September 16, 2013 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Faith, Front Slider, Life, news, TV and Radio, tv and radio

Talk turns to gay rights within the first two minutes of a recent interview with Ryan Jespersen. Raised Christian in Calgary, the chatty Breakfast Television host got his journalism training at Trinity Western University in Langley, B.C., a Christian college that required its students to sign abstinence pledges that included a specific clause pertaining to […]
Garage sale a big story during Country Music Week
Posted on September 7, 2013 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, TV and Radio, tv and radio

What a load of crap. Edmonton is hosting the biggest Canadian country music event of the decade and all the cool kids can talk about is Corb Lund’s garage sale. See, he’s moving to Calgary, so he has a bunch of odds and ends to unload, T-shirts, promotional hockey pucks, custom comic books, you name […]