Witness to a Conga a dramatic dance
Posted on September 30, 2016 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Teatro La Quindicina programs its season to run counter to the rest of the theatrical pack. And so this week, as others begin their seasons, Teatro has chosen to close off their first year in their spiffy new Varscona theatre with an old favourite from the canon of writer-director Stewart Lemoine, Witness to a Conga. […]
Curious Incident a chilling transport to autistic mind
Posted on September 23, 2016 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a multi-level theatrical adventure that insists on you becoming part of the experience. Opening the Citadel’s season on the Shoctor Stage until Oct. 9, the play is based on Mark Haddon’s bestseller about an autistic teen, and transposed into theatrical terms by playwright Simon Stephens. […]
The price of fame at Edmonton Expo
Posted on September 20, 2016 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Film, Front Slider, news, Theatre, TV and Radio

There is one huge unwritten rule at the Edmonton Comic and Entertainment Expo happening this weekend – bring money. Oh, sure, you could just stand around and gawk at all the cool nerds in their awesome costumes, but what fun is that? A lot of fun, actually … never mind. Fans spend college-tuition sums of […]
Book of Mormon rings doorbell of your heart
Posted on September 15, 2016 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, Theatre

They’re back – ringing doorbells and promoting The Word according to Joseph Smith. A pair of mismatched Mormon missionaries donned the official uniform of white shirt and black tie on Broadway five years ago in Trey Parker, Matt Stone and Robert Lopez’s smash hit musical The Book of Mormon. Parker and Stone are famous for […]
Simon and Garfunkel Story stuck in the pleasant
Posted on September 10, 2016 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Music, Theatre

Tom and Jerry will be holding forth on the stage of the Mayfield Dinner Theatre for the next seven weeks – at least that’s the name childhood friends Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel gave themselves back in 1957 when they were breaking into the music business by trying to sound like the Everly Brothers. It […]
Brit channels legend in The Simon and Garfunkel Story
Posted on September 3, 2016 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, Theatre

It’s not enough that the British defeat us hapless Colonists in all things to do with Rock ‘n’ Roll (just go to the scoreboard: The Beatles, The Stones and The Sex Pistols vs. Elvis, Dylan and Bon Jovi – it’s no contest) – but they have to come plunder our beloved American icons, too. Dean […]
How did our festivals do?
Posted on August 27, 2016 By Mike Ross culture, Entertainment, Front Slider, Music, Theatre

Imagine you’re on the fence about going to Sonic Boom, Edmonton’s last proper outdoor festival happening Sept. 3-4 in Borden Park. Maybe you’re festival-ed out. Maybe you’re sick of summer. Maybe you’re tired of life. Then you find out Twenty One Pilots is playing – and that’s the deal maker. Sure, OK, let’s have one […]
FRINGE: 9 Best Shows
Posted on August 19, 2016 By Staff Entertainment, entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

So we had a total of three (3) members on Team GigCity Fringe – and we still screwed up the schedule and reviewed the same play twice. Damn it! Still, let’s make the best of it and see how both Colin MacLean (ex-Sun, CBC) and Mel Priestley (ex-Vue) heaped praise upon 70 Scenes of Halloween […]
FRINGE: 6 shows about mental illness
Posted on August 18, 2016 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Life, Theatre

There’s a revolutionary new treatment for mental illness. It’s called Fringe Therapy. Here’s how it works: The patient reveals all the gory details of his or her disorder to a roomful of strangers in a one-man and/or-woman show at the Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival. Get it in the open. Tell the whole, true story. […]
FRINGE: 3 shows of physical theatre
Posted on August 17, 2016 By Mel Priestley Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Edmonton has quite a robust contemporary dance scene. A few local groups are presenting their work at the Fringe, as well as some out-of-towners – which gives a nice juxtaposition of styles and themes for the audience to compare. Some people still complain that physical theatre and dance is inaccessible (or just plain weird), but […]
FRINGE: 4 comedies
Posted on August 17, 2016 By Colin MacLean Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

Laughter is the grease that keeps the Fringe rolling along. From sophisticated British burlesques to the pie-in-the-face American vaudeville farce, the comedy listing in the Fringe program is longer than any other – some 65 shows promise to get you laughing. Here are four wide-ranging productions that you might consider. There is a lively stand-up […]
FRINGE: 4 shows about religion
Posted on August 16, 2016 By Mike Ross Entertainment, Front Slider, Theatre

It’s good they still have a “religious content” warning in the Fringe program – but they should go a little further: Believer or Non-Believer. For there’s nothing worse for a heathen than expecting a good old God-bashing rant at the Fringe only to find a bunch of True Believers have commandeered the event as a […]