Posted on January 21, 2013
By Mike Ross
Entertainment, entertainment, Features, Theatre

Burlesque has undergone an interesting renaissance. Once a form of theatrical entertainment that invited randy gentle-men to peep at comely lasses cavorting unbesleeved and naked ankles akimbo, the girly show eventually “evolved” into full nudity, away from the eyes of the up-standing citizenry and disconcerted clergy, and into the seedy domain of the strip club. […]
Posted on December 31, 2012
By Mike Ross
Comedy, Entertainment, entertainment, Film, The Latest, Theatre, TV and Radio

We should’ve known what would happen if we put Mark Meer on the list. Of course he was voted GigCity’s Edmontonian of the Year – in a landslide, with 68% of the vote. He’s such a tireless self-promoter and wields such a formidable clout in social media that winning our little contest/social experiment was a […]
Posted on December 17, 2012
By Mike Ross
Entertainment, Theatre, TV and Radio

Why has this not been in Edmonton before? We love shopping! Part of a successful series of touring TV game shows, the “Price is Right” is coming to town – at the Jubilee Auditorium on Sunday, March 10 – and we get to play. Tickets go on sale Friday. This is a for-real game show, […]
Posted on December 16, 2012
By Mike Ross
Entertainment, The Latest, Theatre

If you’re lacking either Edmonton or Christmas spirit or both, a ride on the magic bus could do wonders. And no, its not the No. 5 on the last Friday of the month. “Birdie on the Wrong Bus” is billed as a heart-warming slice of Edmontonia, making its world premiere at the Show Globe Festival […]
Posted on November 20, 2012
By Derek Owen
Front Slider, Theatre, TV and Radio, Visual Arts

If we had a time machine, a young Ron Jeremy would’ve experienced an existential crisis at this year’s Taboo: Naughty But Nice Show, which wrapped its three day run in Edmonton on Sunday. The world’s most famous porn star likely would have been wandering around the Edmonton Expo Centre in a daze, wondering where the […]
Posted on November 13, 2012
By Mike Ross
Front Slider, Theatre

One of the most disturbing things about global warming is hearing people’s reactions on how it’s going to affect their “lifestyle.” Another example comes in a play called “6.0: How Heap and Pebble Took on the World and Won” – a funny yet poignant tale of champion figure skaters trying to stage a comeback in […]
Posted on November 7, 2012
By Mike Ross
Front Slider, Theatre
It’s quite a challenge to do play that’s been made into a movie. Everyone’s going to make comparisons, many of them unfair. Good example: Kurt Vonnegut – great novelist, lousy playwright. Fortunately for the cast of Jack Goes Boating – opening Thursday at the Varscona Theatre – the 2010 movie of the same name isn’t […]
Posted on November 7, 2012
By Maurice Tougas
Front Slider, Music, Theatre
Going into Rock of Ages, the latest Broadway Across Canada production to set up shop at the Jubilee Auditorium, I had a real fear that this was going to be one of those shows that I would be tempted to leave at the intermission (I quit halfway through Cats; I don’t care how popular that […]
Posted on November 4, 2012
By Maurice Tougas
Front Slider, Music, Theatre
If there’s a rock ‘n’ roll heaven, it might include a part in Rock of Ages. It may seem that way for rock singer Universo Pereira, who landed the plum role of hard rockin’, hard livin’ rock legend Stacee Jaxx in Rock of Ages despite having no theatre experience whatsoever. But he was a rock […]
Posted on October 31, 2012
By Mike Ross
Music, Theatre
It’s going to take some serious body language to render Shakespeare without words – as the cast of Alberta Ballet’s production of Othello should know well by now. That’s the ballet for you. No dialogue. What would Shakespeare have thought about such a thing? Playing Friday and Saturday at the Jubilee Auditorium, Othello stars Kelley […]
Posted on October 28, 2012
By Mike Ross
The Latest, Theatre

The bullying and self-loathing Waawaate Fobister suffered as a gay youth wasn’t derived from his own aboriginal culture – but from the Christian dogma that was forced upon it. “As a teenager growing up as a Christian, I just hated myself because they told me I was going to go to hell because of who […]
Posted on October 24, 2012
By Mike Ross
Music, The Latest, Theatre, Visual Arts

It’s no mystery why Halloween has been completely co-opted and dominated by grown-ups – it’s because many modern grown-ups have failed to grow up. Joe Flaherty – SCTV’s Count Floyd, so he ought to know about this sort of thing – complained that many of the adult students in his improv classes back East were […]