The Joys of Mother’s Day

Must Mother’s Day always involve some combination of Eggs Benedict, Julie Andrews and Tom Jones? Yes. That’s just the way it is – so suck it up and show some love for the woman who gave you life, no less. You make her worry, you know. You really ought to call more often. A little […]

Seinfeld blasts Edmonton with hilarious nothings July 9

Some stand-up comedians are deep, so deep that they are called the philosophers of the modern age – the only people in the world who are expected tell the harsh truth and help us laugh at the tragedies of the human condition. And there are guys like Jerry Seinfeld. Master of Minutiae, Titan of the […]

Theatre critics have feelings, too

Are Edmonton theatre people a bunch of pussies when it comes to their critics – or is it the other way around? Just wondering. The following exploration all started with Facebook. In an effort to get fresh local arts material for, I sent “friend” requests to as many Edmonton musicians, artists, writers and actors […]

GIGBITS: Bummed out artists, Mark Meer in plastic, Joe Bird Award

Look on the bright side – at least there won’t be another election for the next four years. Even so, a number of Edmonton arts people are deeply bummed today, for some reason. Some of the usual suspects chimed in on Facebook: Music promoter John Armstrong: “So what’s next? Can we impeach him? Are there […]

Little Women set to music at Citadel Theatre

Let us take you back to a time when the word “gay” meant something else than it does today, when four teenage sisters with lots of time on their hands only got into the kind of trouble that was suitable for a family audience. Continuing previews at the Citadel Theatre tonight and tomorrow before the […]

John Edward in town tonight – didn’t see that coming

I’m sensing a windowless booth. A curtain. A long line of grumpy people waiting for something they don’t enjoy. In a bread line? Flu shots? Is this the Great Depression? Communist Russia? Yes! Someone named Steve. The colour orange. I see a lot of long faces, some people crying – could it be a funeral? […]

ROCK BITS: Rock the vote, kids rock, roots rock weirdo and Mel’s rockpile

  Hockey or the damned election – that’s all anybody ever talks about in Edmonton at this time of year, year after year after year. From the Department of Pointing Out the Painfully Obvious comes this observation: Artists all over town are ever so slightly leaning to the side of the commie pinko bleeding heart […]

THEATRE: It’s a women’s world in When Girls Collide

When Girls Collide is a remount of the original production back in 1989 – and for Leona Brausen, it couldn’t have come soon enough. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. The play is funny. I’m drawn to what’s funny,” she says. Brausen will reprise her role of Helen Thorne from the […]

DANCE: kicking their brains out in Riverdance

Three ways Riverdance is like the Titanic: 1. It’s really big and long. 2. It’s filled with Irish. 3. The conclusion is inevitable. The Titanic ended by sinking. Riverdance ends with everybody in a giant line, arms linked, reels and jigs raging full-on and they’re step dancing their brains out. All else – the fog […]

GIGGLE CITY: Oh, Susanna exposes herself!

Got a Jackie Harvey scoop for ya: The swarthy, supposedly Italian Susanna Patchouli, hostess of the Oh Susanna variety-talk show once a month at the Varscona Theatre – as it is this Saturday at 11 p.m. – is none other than Edmonton thespian Mark Meer in women’s clothing! He doesn’t even try to deny it. […]

THEATRE: Brad Fraser’s wholesome family comedy

A promiscuous teenage girl gets a job at a local restaurant and discovers that her boss once had a homosexual love affair with her father. Do all of Brad Fraser’s plays have to have a gay theme? Short answer: No. But it sure sets the stage for a wholesome family comedy, doesn’t it? At the […]

THEATRE: Ayn Rand meets Anthony Robbins in Public Speaking

True story: After seeing a performance of Faithless – which Chris Craddock wrote in 2005 with his co-star, Steve Pirot – I approached the actor in the lobby afterwards. I said to him, “Man, if only I had a quarter of your talent.” Craddock raised an eyebrow and gave me a playful smirk. “But, Adrian, […]