COMMENT: Eskimos Ladies Night a flop even before it happens
The Edmonton Eskimos have 10 chances a year to lure as many as 60,000 people at a time to Commonwealth Stadium. In a league that lives and dies on gate revenue, they can’t afford to blow their chances to get bums in seats – and yet, somehow, they do. The Edmonton Oilers need only to […]
CLASSICAL MUSIC: 17-year-old concert pianist an ‘old soul’
Asked what kind of music he likes outside of classical, piano wunderkind Jan Lisiecki doesn’t hesitate, “I love Pink Floyd.” Good answer, kid. He says it “takes him back.” So what’s more amazing – that a teenager loves Pink Floyd, or that a teenager has reached international fame as a master concert pianist? On stage […]
What’s in a name? Edmonton doesn’t have a clue
Edmonton can’t be the only city that has such a boneheaded habit of badly naming and then constantly renaming its festivals, buildings and streets. On July 10, organizers of the Capital Ex festival released the six choices to replace the name Capital Ex, which had in turn had replaced Klondike Days. They are: – EdFest […]
REVIEW: Julius Caesar an old story full of surprises
In the program for Julius Caesar, now playing at the Freewill Shakespeare Festival in Hawrelak Park, director John Kirkpatrick is quoted, “I have decided to set the play in a world/time period of my own imagination…” It’s a pragmatic and serviceable idea given William Shakespeare’s constant – and anachronistic – references to “clocks,” something which […]
THEATRE: Ron Pederson proves you can go home again
The case of actor Ron Pederson is more evidence supporting the old saying: You don’t know how good you’ve got it at home until you leave. From an almost sure shot at fame in Hollywood – where funny Canadians seem to shine – the former star of MAD-TV, writer-performer for the Craig Ferguson Show and […]
FESTIVAL SCORECARD: Too many festivals? Not enough festivals!
Edmonton is unique amongst Canadian cities in that we have five seasons: winter, spring, summer, fall and festival. Festival season is roughly defined as beginning with The Works Art and Design Festival and Edmonton International Jazz Festival in June, and ending with the Symphony Under the Sky near Labour Day. After that, it’s back to […]